"Going pro"
"How to get into and help yourself
succeed in professional photography"
This is part of a series of professional development workshops
I am putting on in 2010.
This particular seminar, "Going pro", goes step by step through
everything you need to know in order to help you succeed in professional
An informative, energetic presentation with a huge amount of
example photos, lighting setups and diagrams and
more tips and tricks than you can shake a 600mm F2.8 at!
A photo from one of the lighting workshops
I taught in 2009 which included over 60 participants:

-Event: Seminar: "Going pro"
-Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010
-Time: 1pm-5pm (may go until 6pm if necessary)
-Location: St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre
"Early bird" pricing if you register before January
21, 2010:
-Non WPC contributing members:
-WPC Members: $200
Register on or after January 22, 2010:
-Non WPC Members:
-WPC contributing members: $400
*Please see below for details on how to register
This seminar is meant
-Photographers who are just starting or who are about to take paid photo
-Anyone who wants to learn more about
the ins and outs and daily goings on of professional photography
-People thinking about starting a studio at home, part time or professionally
who wants information on how to value and price their work for any type
of photography
-People who want to understand how to deal with clients
-Anyone wanting to learn about what it takes to
work and succeed as a full time
Workshop overview:
1) Attitude
2) The business of photography
3) Gear
4) Technique & exposure (example photos and lighting setups)
5) Vision/Inspiration (specific shoots explained)
6) Pricing/Usage
7) Getting clients/Promoting yourself
8) Critique of submitted images
9) Q&A
What you will learn:
-How to start a photography business (name registration, making forms ie invoices/release
forms etc.,
of all of your invoicing and finances, insurance
on gear etc.)
-What you do and don't need for gear dependent on the type of photography
-How to light and expose for almost any type of photography
-How to value and price all kinds of photography
portraits to products to events and more) as well as how to rights
-The logistics of a photo shoot
-How to deal with clients
-How to promote yourself and your business including advertising
-This session will be FILLED with tips and tricks of the trade which will be
invaluable to someone coming into the field
How to register:
download, fill out and send in the following form (which is in
PDF format)
It contains all the information on registration pricing as well as where to
send a cheque if you want to save money and sign up early. It also contains
more information on how to submit images for the critique session and more.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at