Archive - 2005
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December 15, 2005
An article about my lightning shot can be read in the holiday 2005
edition of Winnipeg Magazine.

25, 2005

St. Boniface night
25, 2005

West Global Tower
November 24, 2005

Santa Parade 2005
18, 2005
snow of 2005
16, 2005
A new desktop of downtown Winnipeg has been added to the Desktops section.
November 7, 2005
Highway Starscapes
4, 2005
from high above Portage
and Main during
the day
4, 2005

from high above Portage
and Main -
at night
November 4, 2005

Starscapes from the end of Main St.
3, 2005

November 3, 2005

My new photo equipment carrier PEC
3, 2005
Experiment:. I shot a roll of slide film and compared the time
and cost to that of doing the same digitally.
Here are the

-Cost of film: $15
-Cost of developing negatives: $9
-Hours of personal labor to scan slides: 2
-Hours of extra labor over digital to get photos in digital format:
-Days from shooting slide film to having it in digital format:
-Total cost for 36 photos: aprox $24
Conclusion: Shooting a single roll of slide film for 36 photos
took an extra 4 days in turn around time and $24 as opposed to
the 0 amount of turn around time and $0 cost for the same photos
from digital.
November 2, 2005
Commercial shoot for M2 - President, Richardson Partners Financial
October 29, 2005
Commercial shoot for a cairity poster for Hooters Winnipeg.
October 27, 2005
Summer garden
13, 2005

Andrew & Jen
8, 2005
I have added a section of my Prints for
sale to the site in order to show my work that is available
for purchase. All of the photos you see on this site are available
for sale or commercial use by simply e-mailing me.
October 6, 2005

New desktop of "Portage and Main" added to the desktop
October 5, 2005
Assisted in a shoot of the Asper Bros.
October 5, 2005

4, 2005

Shot for Performance Auto & Sound
September 25, 2005

21, 2005
Several new additions to the Desktops page.
September 20, 2005
A little over two weeks ago at about 3am I was high up on a parkade
taking pictures of lightning while getting pelted by small hail
on the same night that all the planes where blown over in Southern
At 4am the same morning I posted the photo shown below on several
local forums just before I went to bed. It was also used in the
Prairie View School of Photography September newsletter.
In the last two weeks several people have told me that the photo
has made its rounds in Winnipeg by e-mail. Thanks to all those
who sent it out, I'm happy everyone enjoys it. That's exactly why
I got into photography, to take pictures of things that others
haven't seen yet and just fun stuff. I always like hearing from
people who like my photos so feel free to e-mail me at dan@danharperphoto.com so
I can see how far this photo has traveled.
The photograph will soon be available for sale at the Wayne Arthur
gallery, 186 Provencher in different sizes. You
can also have a copy for your computer desktop by going to my desktops area.
Enjoy the Winnipeg weather! =->

September 20, 2005

Amy & 2LOW2TOW
September 13, 2005
Commercial shoot: Tell Us About Us
September 13, 2005

Northern Lights and starscapes
29, 2005

23, 2005

Quarry days car show
19, 2005

August 12, 2005
I have just launched a new site to sell my photography skills: www.DanHarperPhoto.com This
new site is now my primary photography site which will allow me
to make www.DanHarperPhotography.com (the site you are on) a photo
BLOG to show all my recent photos.
If you need any photography services including portraits, weddings,
events, products, stock photography and also restoration of old
or damaged photos please contact me.
August 10, 2005
Three of my photos are now available at the Wayne Arthur Gallery
at 186 Provencher. Please feel free to stop by to check out the
prints and the other great art at the gallery. For more information
please see my for sale section.
August 3, 2005

2, 2005
Portraits shoot: Amy (pictures up soon)
August 1, 2005
Stonewall Quarries
July 31 , 2005

July 28 , 2005
Vancouver: Ten days, 7200 photographs = 18gigs.
One day to choose 600 out of the 7200.
One more day to bring the 600 down to 181 of the best of 7200 photos.
And here are my B.C. photos
July 27 , 2005

B.U.M.P. - Finge Festival 2005
July 26, 2005

Guy Abraham - Band on a roof
July 26, 2005

Chris & Twila - Engagement
July 26, 2005

July 26, 2005
Volunteer shoot for United Way of Winnipeg: Day of Caring
July 26, 2005
Volunteer shoot for Take pride Winnipeg: Winnipeg in Bloom
July 26, 2005
WPGphoto.com club meeting and shoot from July 20
July 26, 2005
Around town from June 14.
July 26, 2005

These shots where used to help Mindy win a contest to become a
Hawaiian Tropics girl.
21, 2005
Hooters Golf Tournament pictures
are finally online. Check
them out here, there are
four pages.
you are looking for a particular
shot that you don't see
here please e-mail me.
Thanks to everyone, especially to Courtney and all the girls for
making the pictures so great!
July 12, 2005
I'm back from BC. Took over 7200 pictures and only because I was
able to offload them onto a 20 gig CF backup drive. Thanks for
that J. I will be adding a picture archive soon but processing
7200 pictures take a bit of time.
July 2-11,
Off to shoot Vancouver and Powell River.
July 1, 2005
The Hooters car wash pictures are now offline. Please e-mail me
if you need a particular one.
June 19, 2005
Shot the Manitoba Marathon for TPS Photography
June 18, 2005
Wedding shoot: Andy and Christine - Pictures up soon
June 17, 2005
Model shoot: Amanda - Pictures up soon
June 16, 2005
United Way day of caring shoot - Pictures up soon
June 13, 2005
Studio flowers - Pictures up soon
May 30, 2005
Ogilvie Mill shoot - pictures up soon
May 5 & 6, 2005

Abandoned farmhouse - MB
May 4,

Sundown shots from the Provencher bridge
May 1,

WPGphoto shoot: Birch Ski area
April 28, 2005
Shot the Keystone grand re-opening for Keystone and the Manitoba
Mustang and Ford Association.
here for pics - opens in new window
April 27, 2005
One of my photos was used for Keystone Ford in a national ad, placed
in the WInnipeg Free Press page B5.
April 25, 2005

Wella hair show
Shoot for Wella (hair care products) at the American Beauty Association
event at the WPG convention Center. Shot for CC. Also sent shots
to Joico-ISO after a request from the person in charge of their
April 19, 2005
Jewlery shoot for CC
April 17, 2005
WPGphoto.com shoot: Birds Hill park
here for pics - opens in new window
April 15, 2005

New photographs of my car: 1978 Mustang II.
April 14, 2005
WPGphoto shoot: St norbert
April 13, 2005

Labarrier Park & St Boniface
April 12, 2005

April 2, 2005
Juno promo @ the Discreet Boutique
March 27, 2005
Two new model galleries:


24, 2005
A small gallery of most of my most recent shoots. Click
here to view.
22, 2005
Model shoot: Gerald. (pictures up soon)
March 20, 2005
Model shoot: Rachelle. (pictures up soon)
March 17, 2005
Keystone exterior shots for their grand re-opening to be put in
the Winnipeg Free Press
March 1, 2005
Model shoot: Natalie. (pictures up soon)
February 27, 2005
Event shoot: Manitoba Theatre Centre Oscar party 2005 (pictures
up soon)
February 18, 2005
Studio shoot: Still life. (pictures up soon)
January 31, 2005

Ms. Cycle World 2005
January 30, 2005

Winnipeg Cycle
World & Leather and lace fashion show
2, 2005
I have added sixteen new galleries. Take a look around the site
sections, there is at least one in every section.
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