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December 31, 2010

New year's eve fireworks 2011
New year's eve I hung out with friends and photo club members alike to shoot the fireworks display at the Forks.
December 28, 2010
Power97 Power Babe shoot #1 winners
December 26, 2010
Over the past six years of my career I've never submitted any of my photos for contests or awards. The main reasons being because I judge several contests a year and also because it's been tough to find the time while working more than full time.
However, I was recently nominated for a Media award in tourism for the 2011 Tourism Awards!
This is extremely exciting for me as I was nominated by one of the many companies I've worked with for years. it's great to receive this kind of recognition for my work, especially in tourism as my passion for my city and province is so deep that I dig into my pockets every year to find new ways (such as my helicopter charters) and new types of photography to present Winnipeg and Manitoba in special ways.
Huge thanks to my nominators O Tours and especially to Michelle G!
December 25, 2010
Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays to all my family and friends and anyone else who
checks this BLOG out!
a great holiday
December 21, 2010

The full details including registration form and pricing are now available on my Going
2 seminar page.
December 18, 2010
Commercial event photography for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
: Day 3 of 3
December 18, 2010
Commercial event photography for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba: Day 2 of 3
December 20, 2010

Architectural photography for 5468796 Architecture of their 575 Balmoral project.
December 18, 2010
Commercial promotional photography for the Red River Ex Association: Canad Inns Winter Wonderland light show display
December 17, 2010
Commercial event photography for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba: Day 1 of 3
This is the first in a three day contract which I have done for the last several years with the JFM where they give out hundreds of thousands of dollars to local charities and organizations as part of their endowment fund.
December 14, 2010
Victoria Beach fall 2010
I've finally had some time to process a personal gallery! Yay!
This one is from Victoria Beach where my fellow large format photography shooter
Tim invited me out. Sadly we got there a bit late so I decided to shoot digital
instead of taking the 4x5" out of the SUV but I'm still pretty happy with these.
December 13, 2010

often get requests to do presentations to companies,
associations and schools but when my alma mater calls
I always put them on top of the list!
Today I gave a brief overview of my career and how
much my alma mater (Collège universitaire de
helped me with everything I had learned back in the
December 13, 2010
I planned and executed another large event for my WPGphoto
community: A large Christmas party with over
$1000 in door prizes from both Don's Photo and Henry's
Photo/Video as well as a massively successful secret
Santa print exchange where there where over 130 photos
exchanged by multiple photographers.
I myself participated
and got some great prints in the exchange!
December 12, 2010
Over the last couple of months Power97 has been running
a contest where you can win a model shoot with me and
I've now done two shoots with several really fun girls!
This is one of those shoots.
This is a fairly sexy shoot which I don't often show
on my BLOG so please be warned (and don't judge me
too harshly! :-)
Power97 PowerBabe shoot #2
December 12, 2010
After the official Power shoot, Christina felt so comfortable
with me that she decided to do a nude shoot, something
she's never done before but did amazingly well at!
Warning: This is a nude shoot which I don't often share
on my BLOG so please be warned (and don't judge me
too harshly! :-)

- Naked in the Exchange
December 11, 2010
On the heels of the
announcement of my new Going
2 seminar, I just received some new feedback on last year's session from
someone who just bought the Going Pro 1 DVD box set.
From Darrin B:
"I just thought I’d offer a bit of feedback after going through your “Going
Pro” DVD… perhaps if others are considering what they might gain
form it, this might offer some extra insight.
The main reason I purchased the DVD is for the content and the topics covered.
One of the things that struck me was your openness to share your knowledge and
experiences with others. Many photographers wouldn’t be as forthright to
guide people as to how to get into the business.
The time and aggravation saved by knowing how to set up your business was invaluable.
From invoicing, release forms, bookkeeping, etc... Much of what you need to know
in getting started and promoting yourself in the business - and those are just
a few of the topics covered.
To say the least, it pays for itself many times over. Thanks. "
December 10, 2010
I've just firmed up the date for a new professional development seminar, similar
to a very popular one I ran last year.
This year's "Going pro 2" is exactly what you need if you're thinking
of getting into the photography industry locally or abroad. I talk about everything
from the specifics of how to price your photography (everything from wedding,
product, commercial to prints and stock) as well as how to get clients, write
contracts, invoices and everything else you'll need
for a photographic career!
Click here for more information: Going pro
December 8, 2010
After my interview
for the Red River students a couple of weeks ago I got some amazing feedback
from them which I really want to share:
From Debbie:
"Hey Dan,
Thank you so much for all your help on Tuesday. You have no idea how helpful
and awesome you really are.
In all honesty we learned more in those four hours
than we have in the last couple of months of school. Somehow the way you explain
things and the examples and stories you used made things click for me. Seeing
your work flow, back-up system and ridiculous computer set up (I was happy with
my one 27" mac up until then) was awesome. A lot of what they've taught
us in school made sense once you started explaining how you did things and why.
I will try not to go on too much about my thoughts on your work, I'm familiar
with a lot of your stuff and have always admired it, seeing it in person (that
huge print in your office leaves me speechless) was so cool. Although
there to learn about "marketing", I learned about so much more. I think
that when I decided to do this as a business and go to school for it I've started
shooting for "work" - be it homework or money and not for the fun of
shooting. Seeing your night photography (especially the northern lights) makes
me want to go shoot. Not for an A and not for a buck, just for me. I want to
go freeze my butt off and get that shot. You know, the one to hang in my house
and love, not worry about what others think of it."
From Krysten:
"Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with us the other day! It's really
rare that you run into a photographer who is as forthcoming and helpful as you
From Stephen:
"Hey Dan,
It really was a great time!! I was blown away over and over again throughout
Thank you so much for introducing us into the world of professional photography.
It was very kind of you to share so much information with us. I greatly appreciate
all the REALlife examples of the kinds of work you do as
a photographer.
Honestly, I feel like you have just taught us all the most important
aspects of the business we won't be learning in school. And also, most importantly,
you have inspired me to get off my ass and get shooting
like crazy haha.
I'm going to join the WPC right now."
From Tama:
"Thank you very much Dan, you were really informative! You totally went above
and beyond what we expected!"
December 7, 2010
Power97 photo shoot
for "Power Babe" contest winners.
For the last couple of months I've been involved in a contest with Power97 where
female Power listeners have the chance to win a photo shoot with me.
Today had only two girls due to cancellations but the two girls where GREAT!
So much fun!
December 6, 2010

Commercial group portrait
for Festival du Voyageur
November 30, 2010
Too busy to BLOG:
I guess I've been busy because it's been almost two months since
I recently bought a house, new SUV and have had several
shoots as well as an out of town shoot that have all been keeping me busy.
studio out of part of my new house
in the near future but that's going to take a lot more time!
For those of you asking all the past MTS Centre events are coming up soon. They'll
be added to the archives below as they are completed.
Thanks to all of you who have kept up with me over the last two months. I'm still
getting to some of the emails so I'll chat with you soon!
November 29, 2010
Family portraits for
gifts and Christmas cards
November 28, 2010
Photos de spectacle
de Soleil: FakeLook
November 26, 2010
Corporate head shots
for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
November 24, 2010
It's amazing in this market but I just sold another copy of my "Going Pro" DVD
here in
limited quantities: Going Pro
DVD set
Here's what Darrin had to say just hours after buying it: "I've been working
way through your DVD and I gotta say that the wealth of information it contains
in the first part alone is invaluable."
Huge thanks and props to all those who have already bought one. I know just how
hard becoming a photographer is in this market. It lost me two very special girlfriends
and has cost me time with friends and family so I hope these DVDs help you learn
from my mistakes and guide you through some of the tougher times. And as always,
feel free to get in touch for some photo-therapy any time you need it!
November 23, 2010
Interview for Red River program
Often, by email and while shooting I
but today I was asked to take it a step further and do an interview with several
(6) from
the Red River College Photography Program.
This was for one of their assignments and we ended up going well beyond
their questions with other professional information, tips and advice.
What originally
would have taken about 30 minutes turned into a five hour sit down
over coffee!
(The funny thing was that
everyone forgot to drink their coffee! HA! Maybe the conversation was good then!?)
for drinks with friends and talking about photography
the whole time.
All of the students seemed to appreciate the information and one even commented
that "You went over in an hour what we've been going over all semester". t's
always nice to feel that you actually helped someone.
Huge thanks to all the RRC students (Debbie, Tamara, Shawndra, Robert, Krysten
and Stephen) for
the assignment and with your photographic futures! I'm sure we'll be shooting
together soon! (Think starscapes)
November 22, 2010
Architectural photography for 5468796 Architecture
I really like shooting architectural photography but
only get the chance to do it on occasion. Today was
great because the house I was shooting was spectacularly
designed so it was a treat to photograph!
November 20, 2010
Concert photography: Ozzy Osbourne
I got foamed by Ozzy! My Ozzy foaming experience
Very few artists engage photographers during concerts. One of the only ones
comes to mind recently was Kiss who played to the camera but normally artists
photographers. This was not the case with Ozzy Osbourne.
Myself and the other photographers had received advance information from both
the venue and the artist's management prior to Ozzy coming on
that "Ozzy loves his foam cannon and will pull it out during the 3rd song
and if you're around, he'll get you!" But, I thought to myself, how bad
can it be? His aim can't be that good anyway! I was wrong.
It was myself and two other photographers shooting, Dave for the WFP and Marcel
for the WPG Sun. They had both noted that they where going to take off to the
far sides for the 3rd song but I wanted a better shot than that. I was completely
ready to sacrifice my dryness and my gear for this shot, just as before in several
lighting storms, shooting from roofs and other similar experiences.
Now, before you think I'm crazy for potentially ruining tens of thousands of
camera gear,
these cameras are both rated to take a rain shower and I've had them both in
rain and
and they have never had an issue. So, I made an
experienced decision, even knowing that a foam cannon could pack more power behind
it, to put them in harm's way and I was ready to take the responsibility. We
where warned, that was my choice and I didn't want to shy away from a potentially
cool shot and experience.
So, going into the 3rd, I knowingly stuck around even when I saw Ozzy pull out
the foam cannon, which sent Marcel literally sprinting away but I
was stupidly thinking why run away from such a unique photo opportunity and
So, pretending like I have the superpower of being invulnerable to foam I
I decided to change positions and that's when he got sight of me. He focused
his aim on me and pummeled me with foam as I started to dart away out of human
nature but then turned around and kept shooting after the initial onslaught.
my cameras where so soaked with foam after taking a direct hit that I couldn't
I did
get some shots after a quick cleaning.
It's now five days later and the cameras are working perfectly fine, a huge thanks
to their weather protection!
November 16, 2010
Light Fleet heavies - Quick group and portrait session
After the CUSB shoot I offered a quick photo session to the Light Fleet crew
as a way of giving back to our fire & ambulance workers.
November 16, 2010
Commercial photography for CUSB
This was a very interesting and also quite different project for CUSB. It comprised
of taking photos of an ambulance in order for a health care course to be able
to talk about all the different components in French. This is also part of an
ongoing project to improve service in French by the WRHA which is extremely important.
November 14, 2010
Event photography: Cesar MIlan
November 9, 2010
Event photography: Travel Manitoba's 2010 AGM (Annual general meeting)
On a personal note to this event I will sincerely miss you Hubert, thanks for
all the support over the years!
November 4, 2010
Event photography: Power97's Guys Garage
November 4, 2010

Archival photography for Creswin Properties of the new Blue Bombers stadium site
Visually there isn't that much going on other than lots and lots of dirt removal
but this
Creswin to keep an archive of the new stadium property. I was given a security
and training so I don't get run over by any of the trucks that are very prominent
November 4, 2010
Photographie d'événement pour le CDEM: Departure d'Annie
November 1, 2010
Promotional and archival photography of the production: Caillou for Paquin Entertainment
November 1, 2010
Photographie éditorial pour Éditions
Plaines de l'auteur
Annette Saint-Pierre
October 25, 2010
Destination photography: Commercial portrait photography for the Nelson House
Educational Authority
October 25, 2010
Flight to Thompson, MB for a commercial shoot in Nelson House, MB
Today I fly out to Thompson, MB in order to rent a car and drive out early tomorrow
morning for a shoot for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation in Nelson House, MB,
which is about 40 minutes outside of Thompson.
now twice
this year to work for the NCN!
This time is for a one day project (last time was four days) to get shots specifically
for the educational authority.
October 24, 2010

Concert photography: Great Big Sea
October 23, 2010

Sports photography: WWE
October 22, 2010
Photojournalistic event coverage of Centrallia, Day 4 of 4
October 21, 2010
Photojournalistic event coverage of Centrallia, Day 3 of 4
October 20, 2010
Photojournalistic event coverage of Centrallia, Day 2 of 4
October 19, 2010
Photojournalistic event coverage of Centrallia, Day
1 of 4
Centrallia is one of those amazing events that we're
lucky to have here thanks to the huge efforts of some
amazing Winnipeggers. The event itself brings in heavy
hitters from all around the world in order to introduce
them to the local companies that can help them in business
to business meetings. A very cool event and extremely
good for the Winnipeg/Manitoban economy.
October 18, 2010
Portrait photography of CJOB radio personality (and
all around fun guy) Hal Anderson for the HSC Home Lottery
October 18, 2010
Commercial environmental portraiture for the University
of Winnipeg, Day 5 of
October 15, 2010
Corporate portraits for Morrison Hershfield
October 14, 2010
Commercial photography for the Industrial Technology Centre, Day 2 of 2
October 13, 2010
Commercial photography for the Industrial Technology Centre, Day 1 of 2
This is a two day project for each of the separate divisions of the ITC to get
photos for their web site, brochures and all of their other media.
October 12, 2010
Commercial environmental portraiture for the University of Winnipeg, Day 4 of
October 7, 2010
Photographie d'événement pour le CDEM (Conseil de développement économique
des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba): AGA
October 7, 2010
Concert photography: Brad Paisley
October 6, 2010
Commercial environmental portraiture for the University of Winnipeg, Day 3 of
October 5, 2010
Commercial environmental portraiture for the University of Winnipeg, Day 2 of
October 4, 2010
Commercial environmental portraiture for the University of Winnipeg, Day 1 of
5: 2011-2012
In 2009 I took on a huge project with the U of W, a five day photo shoot which
would see solely my photos span across a huge research publication with a shelf
life of two years. That publication and those photos can be seen here: U
of W
Research 2009-2010
I am completely honored to have been chosen once again to do the photography
for their 2011-2012. Shooting for a client once is great, but shooting for a
client time after time is an honor because you know they trust you, like your
work and working with you! That's the type of consistency that helps to build
strong relationships and also to have a lot of fun with photo shoots! (Which
last year, lead to a photo of a person eating a brain [made of jell-o!])
October 3, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete - Day 11
October 1, 2010
Corporate head shots for the law firm Tapper Cuddy
September 30, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete
- Day 10
September 30, 2010
Commercial portraiture for the Rehabilitation Centre
For Children Foundation Inc/FASD
September 29, 2010
Commercial portraiture for CJOB
For anyone who knows me I tend to use the term "expensive tie wearing people" as
a metaphor for people of major importance in their rolls. Normally you won't
find five of these people lifting another one but in the case of CJOB, nothing
is normal!
September 29, 2010
Model photography: Power97 "Power Babe" winners.
Many people I meet know me from different places: some
know me as "that guy I met running", "that guy who is the
official photographer for ________(The MTS Centre, CMHR,
Hooters, Festival du Voyageur) and so on and so on...But
one of the places many people know me from or have heard
about me from is Winnipeg's Best rock station: Power97. And
I sure am proud to shoot for a station that I also listen
to the music all the time.
I only shoot model photography on a very specific basis now
(only due to time limitations) but today found me fulfilling
a very fun contest through Power97 where
a handful
of girls
submitted their photos to become a Power Girl, got to win
a photo session with me. The shoots where really fun and
all the morning show DJs: Wheeler, Philly and Rena all got
in on the action.
Huge thanks to Power and their great staff for all the support
over the years!
Photos from this session will be up later in October.
September 28, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete
- Day 9
September 27, 2010
Commercial/Family photography
I don't photograph weddings, families or general portraits
anymore, wanting to concentrate on the commercial and
event work that I do more often, but one of the best
parts of being a photographer is the diversity in my
job. From culture and community to family and friends,
being able to photograph and help
people of all kinds is absolutely spectacular!
So, when friends or family from "the old school", those who I went through kindergarten
to high school with, call me up I'm more than happy to help and reconnect.
Today I photographed Jody's family, Jody being someone I went to school with
from kindergarten and her mother being a school trustee needed photos.
September 27, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete - Day 8
September 26, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete
- Day 7
September 25, 2010
Commercial/photojournalistic event photography: Culture Days
September 24, 2010
Wow! What a crazy day!
Four separate shoots today made for a very busy day especially
after I had to submit some to the Winnipeg Free Press and
also send some via FTP to a client in Saskatoon.
This is just a taste of what the news wire guys do, wow!
Much respect!
September 24, 2010

Concert photography: Slash
September 24, 2010
Commercial/photojournalistic event photography: Culture
September 24, 2010
Commercial/photojournalistic event photography for
The Forks North Portage: Sod turning event at Fort
September 24, 2010
Commercial portraits for the HSC Lifestyles Lottery
VERY funny Winnipeg connection here:
Today I photographed both Hal Anderson from CJOB and
Holly Bausman from Power97 for another one of my clients
who I shoot the HSC lotteries for! Very funny to have
one client ask me to shoot another but very cool!
September 23, 2010
Concert photography: Arcade Fire
September 21, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete
- Day 6
September 18, 2010
Today I hosted the Winnipeg Photo Community garage
sale & expo at the MTS Centre.
The event was a HUGE success with over 100 people lining
up at the doors and somewhere around 400-500 people
attending during the day.
The greatest part was that there where always 20 people
or more at the workshops which was our first time offering
them this year.
HUGE thanks to my mods: Shannon and Shawn who volunteered
their time throughout the day as well as a special
thanks to both Don's Photo and Henry's Photo/Video
for their support!
September 17, 2010
Wedding photography: Simon and Catherine
Over the last year I have completely declined
the over 40 weddings a year I was asked to shoot, accept
one: My running partner Simon!
Congratulations to both you and Catherine on your wedding
September 17, 2010
Today I was on the radio, both Power97 and CJOB to
promote my photo communities' garage sale and photo
expo tomorrow at the MTS Centre.
September 14, 2010

Concert & live band photography: Justin Bieber - Jasmine Villegas
Tonight I photographed Justin Bieber at the MTS Centre and all of my friends
laughed at me joking that it wasn't likely to be one of the most interesting
for me. I guess I don't watch as much TV as I used to but the only knowledge
of him that I had was from his gig on SNL (Saturday Night Live)
meet and greet, I couldn't help but get into all the hype because of all the
Hey, the guy sold out a show at the MTSC...Dylan couldn't do it, Bublé didn't
do it and not even Aerosmith could do that. Good for him! And, bonus for me,
had a good light show too!
September 14, 2010
Today I was interviewed by the U of M's UMFM (radio station) about the WPC and
the large garage sale and photo expo we're putting on this coming Saturday.
September 13, 2010
Tonight I hosted another meeting for my WPGphoto.com group
September 12, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete - Day 5
September 10, 2010
Photographie pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface: l'Gros show
September 9, 2010
Together with my four mods from WPGphoto.com we planned the photographic
& photo expo that
be taking place at the MTS Centre on September 18th.
September 8, 2010

Live band/concert photography: Aerosmith
September 8, 2010
Due to Aerosmith being tonight I had to draw for these right away. Here are
this month's winners:
Aerosmith - Derek B.
Justin Bieber - Amanda and Courtney Y.
Yo Gabba Gabba Live - Cory M.
Arcade Fire - Jack H.
September 8, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete - Day 4
September 7, 2010

Helicopter photos from September 4th, 2010 flight
September 6, 2010
Dan's crazy ticket giveaway madness for September:
As the official photographer for the MTS Centre they
hook me up with tickets and I pass those on to family,
friends and YOU!
If you're interested in any of the following please
e-mail me and your name will be put into the hat along
with the two other people who ask ;-)
-Aerosmith - Sept 8, 7:30pm
-Justin Bieber - Sept 14,
-Yo Gabba Gabba Live - Sept
15, 6:30pm
-Arcade Fire - Sept 23, 7:30pm
September 6, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete - Day 3
September 5, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete - Day 2
September 4, 2010
Commercial print and stock photography for The Forks
North Portage
After a few people saw my last week's helicopter photos
I've already had requests for more flights.
Today I was once again 1000-1200 feet above WPG shooting
for FNP getting photos of their areas for large printing.
September 3, 2010
Commercial lifestyle photography: Barkman Concrete
This was the first day of my multi-day shoot for Barkman.
Today found us shooting pavers and stone veneers, some
with models and some without.
August 31 , 2010
Commercial portraits: Hooters Winnipeg
August 31 , 2010
Photojournalism: Moores grad car giveaway
August 30, 2010

1200ft above Winnipeg: One beautiful city!
August 30, 2010
Happy birthday to ME!
Huge thanks to all those friends and family who sent birthday wishes today and
to all those friends who sent wishes over bookface (aka FaceBook).
August 29, 2010
Photography planning: Barkman Concrete
27, 2010
Flying with the doors off
Partially due to it being 32c outside and the helicopter
not having AC this was the first time in my handful
of flights over the last couple of years where we flew
with the doors completely off.
This is great because then you don't have to worry
about reflections ruining your photos however, you
do have to trust your seatbelt.
It's kind of weird to look out the door and have your
foot hanging 1200 feet over Winnipeg and realize you're
only one step away from death.
I kept wanting to get out and stop because the angle kept changing so quickly
but I had to keep in mind that I wasn't in a car and "stepping out" to
get the shot would kill me.
You also have to make sure NOTHING goes out the door,
even your foot, head or camera as the helicopter moves
at about 200kph and the wind blowing around it is at
times as violent as tornado class winds. So the pilot
was surprised to see me hanging out the side trying
to get far enough away from the heli to get the skids
out of the photo while using a modified

Click to enlarge
A gallery from this flight will be posted soon so you
can all "see your house from there"! ;-)
August 27, 2010
Helping friends
As an active full
time photographer I
get a lot of requests of all kinds: Helping students
with school projects and interviews, donation requests,
volunteer requests and more. But the requests I take
most seriously are the ones from my peer friends.
Today I helped child portrait photographer extrordinaire
Karen Hunter with some questions about how best to
approach mobile flash photography and despite the
fact that this week I've been too busy to have a meal,
I was totally happy to help her out and make the time.
Being the intelligent and caring person she is, she
also kindly offered to pay me for my time which I
completely refused. Why? Because she's a friend. Come
on people, if you can't help a friend, who will you
Over the past several years of my career I've made
a good number of photographer friends who I've assisted
for, helped out by talking about pricing etc as well
as other stuff.
It's great to have friends in the same
industry who I can
on and chat to!
August 27, 2010
Commercial environmental portraits for Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface
Working with a new client, Deschenes Regnier, one of Winnipeg's primere bilingual
ad firms was great!
August 26, 2010
Commercial event photography: Central Park re-opening (with water park!)
August 25, 2010
Commercial event photography: Her Excellency Governor General Michaëlle
Once again I photographed the GG in under 24 hours notice. At least this time
I already had a suit!
August 25, 2010
Commercial event photography: Canadian Museum for Human Rights site tour given
by architect Antoine Predock
August 24, 2010
Commercial virtual reality tour photography: Health Sciences Centre Inc. Lifestyles
Lottery: Home
Today I shot the home, this one inside WPC, for the HSCHL.
August 23, 2010
Out of town commercial virtual reality tour photography: Health Sciences Centre
Lottery: Cottage
Today, for a long term ad agency client out of Saskatoon, the Marketing Den,
I photographed the HSCHL cottage in Falcon Lake, Manitoba.
It's always really exciting to be able to travel, even just a couple of hours,
for my photography. In this case, I met some really nice people who where taking
care of the cottage.
August 20, 2010
Commercial tourism photography for Parks Canada: Day 2
August 19, 2010
Commercial portraiture: Nelson House Medicine Lodge
Today one of the groups from the NCN was in Winnipeg and I did several portraits
and a group photo as well.
August 18, 2010
Concert & live band photography: Black Eyed Peas
*I was also asked by the record label to shoot the Meet & Greet photos
August 18, 2010
Commercial tourism photography for Parks Canada: Day 1
Today marked the start of my contract with Parks Canada. We where shooting at
the Forks and it turned out that despite some cloudiness that we got some great
August 17, 2010
Portraits for Winnipeg City Councillor Jeff Browaty
August 16, 2010
Today I planned but did not attend a monthly meeting for my Winnipeg
Photo Community as I was still tweaking the new forum software.
August 15, 2010
A huge part of photography is good planning and I was lucky today to be invited
to a planning lunch (at Coras!) to get over 10 days of shooting planned for a
huge contract I just got with Barkman Concrete.
(Admittedly being a bachelor I don't have anyone to help me cook
and since I can only make 2 things: macaroni and TV dinners...I take every chance
to eat
out that I can!)
August 15, 2010
Had new forum software installed for my photo community: WPGphoto.com and
spent most of the late evening and early morning getting it to the point where
it was presentable for my members.
August 15, 2010
Dan's crazy ticket giveaway madness winners for August:
Thanks to all those who put their names in the hat for this month's tickets.
Here are the winners:
-Backstreet Boys: Jen K. (web site winner)
-Michael Buble: Paul (photo club winner)
-Celtic Woman: Erika F. (Web site winner who's mother was just diagnosed with
to do what little I could to help)
-Black Eyed Peas: Jackie Y.
August 15, 2010
A couple of days ago was the best time to watch the Persid Meteor Shower and
I was out in the Stonewall area with bells on...to keep away the bears you see...
During the 4 hour period that I was out, I saw 6 falling stars and was able to
capture 17!
The following is a compilation shot of five of those falling stars and a crop
of the same image, showing some detail on what they look like. The crown of the
Northern Lights was out and they even showed up a bit more energetically for
about 1 minute. In the first photo you can also see the Milky way to the right
of centre reaching into the sky.
Northern Lights, falling stars and the Milky Way, oh my!


August 14, 2010
WPC Gallery #4 photos
Today at 1pm was the gala opening of my photo community's 4th gallery with Photo
Central (and you're invited to come anytime over the next 2 weeks!)
In this gallery I have what I believe is a 1st for winnipeg: A 5164 megapixel
image...yes, I said 5164 megapixels. Think about your 15 megapixel camera on
steroids...lots and lots...and lots of steroids. What I've created and have on
display is what I think is the highest resolution image ever taken of Winnipeg.
It's a large landscape of everything from the Downtown area looking from Portage
Ave to the perimeter and beyond. However, you can also see everything from Fort
Garry Place all the way 220 degrees over to Main Street.
Labworks who kindly rushed this very unique printing project for me said it was
the sharpest most detailed image they'd ever seen, and that, coming from people
who all they do is print photos all day, is one of the nicest complements I've
ever had! They
also are going to print a version of it to put up in their store.
If you love Winnipeg as much as I do, you HAVE to come out to Photo Central at
499 Notre Dame (on the 2nd level) to check out this large panoramic, a five 30"x40" panel
wall collage for a total of 40" tall by 150" wide!
If you can't make it out today, the gallery and my print will be on display until
August 27th along with another 30 WPC member's work of Winnipeg and abroad which
makes the trip wholly worthwhile!
August 14, 2010
More huge news for me this week!
I had another bid accepted for a 10 day + contract with Barkman Concrete, another
client I've already worked with for years! Despite visions of "Barkman Concrete" being
about cement trucks they couldn't be further from it: They actually specialize
in making pavers, slabs, retaining walls and site furnishings for things like
your driveway, garden or commercial business and yes, also concrete areas for
things like skate parks.
Not only are they a huge company to work for but a REALLY fun company to work
with thanks to all the good people there! And, they help me keep up my quota
of taking really nice pictures of rocks. ;-)
August 13, 2010

Michael Buble
August 13, 2010
Today I set up the 4th gallery for my photo community. Here is a time-lapse video
of the setup. HUGE thanks to Dave, Gord, Ash and Mukesh for all their help!

Winnipeg Photo Community gallery #4
August 12, 2010
Event photography: Power97's Joey Open golf tournament
August 11, 2010

Concert/live band photography: Backstreet Boys
August 11, 2010
Commercial advertising photography for Hal Anderson & CJOB
August 10, 2010
I met a fellow photographer friend of mine, Kert, who showed me a very unique
camera which takes super funky panoramic pictures so, being the camera nerd that
had to have one!
Here is a gallery of single shot 360 panoramics:

360 spinners
August 9, 2010
I've finally had time to put up two recent events:
August 8, 2010
Dan's crazy ticket giveaway madness:
That's right! It's that time again for some ticket giving away goodness!
Here's what I gots* for you for August (2 tickets for each event):
-Backstreet Boys: Wednesday, August 11 - 7:30pm
-Michael Buble: Friday, August 13 - 8pm
-Celtic Woman: Sunday, August 15 - 7:30pm
-The Black Eyed Peas: Wednesday, August 18 - 7:30pm
All requests are put into a hat and chosen randomly.
If interested please contact me by e-mail.
(*PS: Attempt at hilarious misspelling intentional)
August 7, 2010
Event/concert photography:
Rock on the Range 2010
August 5, 2010

Concert/live band photography: Weird Al Yankovic
August 5, 2010
The ROTR tickets have gone to Jaquie and another set to Derek.
Thanks to everyone
and sorry that I only had two sets!
August 4, 2010
More free tickets to give away!
I have two, FIELD LEVEL tickets for Rock on the Range to give away to anyone
Just send me an e-mail!
August 3, 2010
I finally had time to process the Bon Jovi, Kid Rock & Sierra Noble concert
Concert photography: Bon Jovi, Kidk Rock, Sierra Noble
August 2, 2010
I struck lighting again!
Just a quick one-shot here as I was only out for about 10 minutes but managed
to get a shot of the lightning storm tonight.

Click to enlarge!
July 29, 2010
How do you fit 143 people into a photo? Easy! A crane shot!

Canadian Museum for Human Rights site staff & construction crew
July 29, 2010
Commercial super high res portrait photography for CBC Radio-canada
July 28, 2010
Landscape/archival photography: Canadian Museum for Human Rights
July 27, 2010
Concert/live band photography: Neil Young
July 26, 2010
Concert/live band photography: Neil Young
July 22, 2010
HUGE news for me!
A couple of weeks ago I put in a bid for a huge Parks Canada contract and just
got word that I WON! This contract encompasses work to be done over the next
year. Today, I officially signed all the forms and will soon be photographing
projects for Parks Canada as close as the Forks and Lower Fort Garry as well
as several different locations in the Churchill area!
July 22, 2010

Event photography: Cirque du Soleil: Alegria
July 21, 2010
Two new fireworks photos:

*This one can be used as a desktop by clicking for the larger version

You can click me too for a larger version!
July 21, 2010
Commercial portrait for a new advertising campaign for CBC Radio-Canada
July 21, 2010
The second ever winner for concert tickets is Lori C. for the Cirque du Soleil:
Alegria tickets!
These where the most sought after tickets so I hope you have a great time Lori!
July 20, 2010
*Photos now online!*
Event photography: Hooters Golf Tournament
July 19, 2010
I've finally had some time to process some recent shoots:
July 18, 2010
Concert photography/live band photography: Bon Jovi, Kid Rock and Sierra Noble
July 17, 2010
The first winner for the concert tickets I've started to give away was Matt W
for the Bon Jovi tickets!
Have fun at the concert Matty!
July 17, 2010
Huge thanks to who pointed out one of my photos being used on USA Today's web
July 16, 2010
Again I've been blessed to be given another first in Winnipeg and likely one
of the first nation wide: Today Don's loaned me their first Gigapan Epic Pro
(DSLR version).
I've already been out with it and am impressed with the results so I have already
decided to buy it.
Photos and review/comparison coming soon.
You can see an article/review I wrote on the P&S version here: Gigapan
Epic 100
July 14, 2010
Event photography: Hooters Golf Tournament
Having shot for Hooters for over 5 years now I'm no stranger to the fun of their
golf tournaments despite missing last years. However, as always the weather was
terrible but the girls where beautiful!
July 11, 2010
Modeling photos: Bathing suit and nude beach photos with Suzanne
For this shoot I've separated the galleries into two: One for the bathing suit
shots and one for the nudes:

Suzanne on the beach

Suzanne in wonderland
HUGE thanks to Adam, Suzie's BF for all his help holding lights and stuff as
well as for taking some photos of me with one of my cameras! Here's one of me

July 12, 2010
How did my photo get to Vancouver?
My family, who are currently on vacation in BC found this promo photo I took
for Bachman/Turner in

July 10, 2010
Early this morning I headed out to take some starscapes. Had a great time with
J and Mookey.
July 9, 2010
How do you get a $950+ tripod for only $220? My good friend and new addiction
Today I drove down to the US to pick up two new carbon fibre tripods from a parcel
service just over the border. However, the drive was worth it as I saved over
$900 in total for both tripods!
Huge thanks to J for accompanying me and being oh so patient while I had to fill
out forms in triplicate.
I'll be sure to post a review of my new lightweight friends as soon as I have
July 8, 2010
Commercial virtual reality (VR) photography
Today, with a final outdoor shoot I completed a HUGE project for the Collège
universitaire de Saint-Boniface.
This was a two day project to capture over 50 different rooms/locations in the
college for a huge virtual tour on their upcoming new web site.
July 4, 2010
Engagement photos: Simon and Catherine
For anyone who reads my ramblings here you'll already know that two years ago
I stopped taking weddings (other than for family and close friends) and now pass
them on to a few of my photographer friends. However, in the case of my running
partner Simon, he's a friend so he is the one and only wedding I am photographing
this year.
July 3, 2010
Photojournalistic coverage of the Queen's visit to the Forks, Winnipeg.
Here are two quick shots I got this afternoon:

July 2, 2010
Photojournalistic & archival photography for the Canadian Museum for Human
Rights: Stone from the Queen
July 1, 2010
Another event that I organized for today was two separate Canada Day fireworks
photo club the WPC (Winnipeg
Photo Community)
Here is one of my shots from Assiniboine Park:

Click for a much larger image!
July 1, 2010
As part of my deal with the MTS Centre I get free tickets to almost all the shows
that happen there (and which I shoot) each month. However, as I normally get
a good feel for the concert during just the first three songs (which is all any
photographer such as myself or the press, is allowed to shoot) I don't need the
tickets for myself.
SO, I know there are a few of my buddies and other people who I've met over the
years who still check here occasionally and would be interested in the extra
tickets. So each month when I get my tickets I'm going to offer them here, for
free, if you can answer some kind of question related to this BLOG. I may put
something up just for one day, I may ask what I've been shooting that month,
stuff like that.
This month however, anyone who e-mails me is welcome to the tickets and I'll
just draw the names from a hat.
This month I have for you:
-July 4, 8pm: TOOL (@ MTS Centre)
-July 17, 7pm: BON JOVI (@ Canad
Inns stadium)
-July 22, 7:30pm: Cirque du Soleil's: ALGERIA (@
MTS Centre)
-July 27, 7:30pm: MEAT LOAF (with
Lisa Bouchelle @ MTS Centre)
*If you're interested in any of these tickets just e-mail me at: dan@danharperphoto.com
Sometimes these will go to family or friends first but I just want them to go
to someone who will enjoy them and to thank those who look here occasionally
and suggest me when they hear that someone needs a photographer. Thanks all!
July 1, 2010
Today because it was a nice day I organized a random group photo shoot and tripod
show & tell at the St Boniface Cathedral for my photo club the WPC (Winnipeg
Photo Community)
June 30, 2010

Live band & concert photography: Iron Maiden
June 29, 2010
Event & concert photography: Star Wars in concert
June 29, 2010
Photojournalistic & archival photography for the Canadian Museum for Human
Rights: Stone from the Queen
June 28, 2010
Tonight I hosted another monthly meeting for my photo club the WPC (Winnipeg
Photo Community)
June 28, 2010
Photojournalistic & archival photography for the Canadian Museum for Human
Rights: Stone from the Queen
June 25, 2010
Commercial event & promotional photography for the Red River Ex.
As part of my shoot today I also covered the fireworks. Here are a couple of

June 23, 2010
Group and individual portrait photography locally for the Nisichawayasihk Cree
Nation Trust
June 23, 2010
Live band/concert photography: The Eagles and the Dixie Chicks
June 21, 2010
Event photography: Red River Ex awards dinner
June 20, 2010
Sports photography: Manitoba Marathon
As the regional manager for TPS/Marathon Photos, I organized 15 paid photographers
for this event as well as shooting it myself for the long eight hour day.
June 20, 2010
Happy father's day dad! (and all other fajas! - Austin Powers reference)
Thanks for everything especially
being my best promoter!
June 19, 2010
A few people including friends and family (who keep up with me more on my BLOG
rather than using a telephone) have asked me to talk more about the background
for some of the shoots as I don't go into much detail about them. Today was a
good day to do that, so here's a bit more info about June 19th for me:
The strange life of a photographer. Today was a wonderfully strange and long
day for me:
Less than 24 hours ago I was asked to shoot one of the most powerful and influential
people in Canada: The Governor General (who has more power than the Prime Minister)
at a private dinner party where even her official photographer would not be present...
no pressure.
Just a random mention here that these 24 hour or less shoots are the exact reason
I stopped taking weddings. I REALLY liked shooting weddings since I could be
crazy creative with them but commercial photography is more the direction I have
a creative passion for. So, I only take weddings for family and close friends
in order to allow me the time to have opportunities
like this!
Now, this is all fine and good, I'm always happy to cover things with little
to no notice and am actually used to it BUT there where some complications: I
had a shoot today at 6am where I'll own a lane of the Provencher Bridge for two
hours. Then I have to photograph Tom Petty tonight and in the middle I have to
look the part in order to photograph her excellency. SO, this means in the middle
of all that I need to buy my first suit...
Now, that wouldn't be so bad IF I had less to do today and more than 24 hours
to find a suit which is extra hard because it's grad season.
None the less I did manage to find a $600+ suit (one of only two available in
my size) and made it through the whole day and all the shoots went great! Now
to sleep for a week...
June 19, 2010
Live band/concert photography: Tom Petty
June 19, 2010
Very special event photography: Private dinner for Michaëlle Jean and her
husband Jean-Daniel Lafond, hosted by Mr. Thorsteinson.
June 19, 2010
Commercial product shoot for Johnson Waste Management: Two brand new trucks,
their Protekt document destruction and garbage trucks.
June 18, 2010
Fireworks: You win some, you loose some.
Tonight I was asked by two companies (The Red River Ex and Canfire fireworks)
to photograph the fireworks display at the RR Ex however unfortunately due to
rain they where cancelled at the last minute. I had already set up and gotten
ready as I was told they where still on but only minutes later they where cancelled.
June 18, 2010

Live band/ concert photography: Carrie Underwood
June 18, 2010
Photojournalistic event photography: Nellie McClung statue unveiling
June 17, 2010
Architectural & event photography: "Winnipeg Cube" unveiling at
the Old Market Square
Very cool event to shoot: Scatliff Miller Murray (an architectural firm) asked
me to cover the unveiling and get some photos of their cube stage creation for
their portfolio use both during the day and evening.
June 17, 2010
Photojournalistic event photography: Nellie McClung statue unveiling practice
June 16, 2010
This morning I received an amazing request: I will be officially taking photos
of the Queen's visit to Winnipeg for the CMHR! I'm told that my access will be
so limited I may not even be able to turn around but this is obviously still
that I feel very privileged to have been given!
June 16, 2010
Last night I was driving home and saw a billboard which I took the photos for
last fall that where for Théâtre dans le cimetière:

June 15, 2010

Live band/concert photography: ZZ Top & Wide Mouth Mason
June 14, 2010
Fine art/stock photography for Birchwood Kia
I've never called my photos art but someone seemed to think so...REALLY think
What does nearly $2000 worth of prints look like? Like this:

Click to enlarge
I do all my printing with Don's Photo but when I made this order, they where
almost blown over! I'm told it's one of the biggest individual orders they've
had in a long time.
The photos above are still wrapped to avoid damage but you can look at the customer
proofs below that I made for Birchwood Kia to review in order to see the whole
order in more detail.
Be sure to stop by the showroom to see all my photos on their walls!
All four of these panos where printed 8 feet wide:

Click to enlarge
All five of these where all printed 24x36":

Click to enlarge
June 14, 2010
Company/corporate head shots for the law firm Tapper Cuddy
Lighting lawyers:
Question: How do you light a lively lawyer?
Answer: However they tell you to!
I've shot for Tapper Cuddy a couple of times already and in the case of the standard
shots they needed for their web site it's the most simple white backdrop to keep
consistency. However, today I was able to have a bit more fun with a group shot
(which will go into the paper) for three of them about to be called to the bar:

Lighting lawyers: This photo will NOT enlarge...so don't even touch it or I'll
June 13, 2010
This is a stitched panoramic photo I took while in Pisew Falls, Manitoba. The
final file is 100 megapixels!

Click for a much larger image
You can see more of my panoramic work at WPG360.com
June 13, 2010
As regional manager for TPS/Marathon-Photos, I organized and today am training
10 paid photographers to shoot the Manitoba Marathon.
June 12, 2010
Here is a quick collage of some of the shots I did while out in Nelson House,
Manitoba shooting

Click to view much larger image
12, 2010
The trip home: Flying over Manitoba from Thompson to Winnipeg is a really neat
experience as there are thousands of lakes. You can't go 50 meters without a
my Nikon
GP-1 about every 5-10 minutes:

June 12, 2010
Day 4 of a 4 day commercial photo shoot for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (all
types of photography from corporate portraits, group shots, architectural photos,
I had a final short shoot this morning for the Mystery Lake Hotel in Thompson
which is owned by the NCN and then I got lucky to have enough time to get up
to Pisew Falls one last time before returning my huge rental truck and heading
June 11, 2010
Day 3 of a 4 day commercial photo shoot for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (all
types of photography from corporate portraits, group shots, architectural photos,
Today I continued the mass of photos of just about the whole town, luckily after
I was done for the day I was able to get somewhere I've wanted to for almost
5 years now: Pisew Falls, Manitoba. The second highest falls in Manitoba.
June 10, 2010
Day 2 of a 4 day commercial photo shoot for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (all
types of photography from corporate portraits, group shots, architectural photos,
Thompson is a great place! In Winnipeg we say that you're never more than 20
minutes away from anything, and in Thompson it's a bit the same, but even at
rush hour, you're still never more than 5 minutes away from anything! The people
are also really nice and all the businesses are conveniently close together,
you don't even need a map!
However, the hour long drive from Thompson to Nelson House is nothing less than
painful! The roads have sunk and deteriorated due to the muskeg and what's left
is nothing but gravel to "repair" them.
9, 2010
Day 1 of a 4 day commercial photo shoot for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (all
types of photography from corporate portraits, group shots, architectural photos,
I arrived in Thompson this morning at 9am after my really nice 2 hour flight
on Calm Air. Which I had to be up at 4am for...which is the time I normally am
going to bed). I immediately picked up the rental vehicle that the marketing
agency had rented for me. Because of the very poor road conditions I had no choice
but to have a truck and the rental company ended up giving me a Dodge Ram 2500
Heavy Duty. For those of you who don't know this truck well, it's one of THE
biggest vehicles and me being an averaged sized guy had to take a running start
in order to jump up into it!
I arrived so early in Thompson that my hotel room wasn't ready yet so I headed
straight off to meet my contact in Nelson House. The rest of the day I spent
shooting many of the locals and local businesses.
9-12, 2010
Today I leave for a 4 day commercial shoot in Nelson House where I'll be taking
photos of just about everything from the town itself to the RCMP officers, local
businesses, doing dozens of business portraits. All of this is for the Nisichawayasihk
Cree Nation, AKA the NCN, a community of 2400 local members and an additional
2000 members abroad. These photos will be used in annual reports, brochures and
the band's web site.
During that time I'll be staying in Thompson which is a one hour commute over
some pretty rugged roads.
8, 2010
Day 3 of 3: Event photography: CCHSE (Canadian College of Health Service Executives)
June 7, 2010
Day 2 of 3: Event photography: CCHSE (Canadian College of Health Service Executives)
June 6-8, 2010
Event photography: Today is day one of a three day national AGM & gala events
for the CCHSE (Canadian College of Health Service Executives)
I shoot a lot of big national events but this one was a HUGE conglomerate of
expensive tie wearing people who's job it is to keep Canada healthy. It's often
almost daunting to shoot these events because of just how important many of the
people are to not only their field, but also to Canada itself.
June 5, 2010

Live band photography: Rain: A tribute to the Beatles
June 3, 2010

I had 17 minutes free today which gave me time to make this really fun review
of the Gigapan Epic 100, a really neat product for taking super high res panoramic
Read the full review here
June 2, 2010
Today I got confirmation for a very cool three day shoot in Northern Manitoba
for one of Manitoba's First Nations: The Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation. More details
to come.
I thoroughly enjoy traveling for photography and have only started to get the
opportunities to do so over the last couple of years.
June 1, 2010
I recently found another one of my shots is being used for billboards: The following
was from a big shoot for Yellowquill College several months ago and has already
been used in just about every type of marketing material (brochures, posters
it has
surfaced anew in billboard format all over the city.

May 31,
Live band photography: Bachman & Turner concert
May 30, 2010
Live band photography: Bachman & Turner rehearsal
I was very lucky to again get a call to shoot the B&T concert and rehearsal
photos after I did their promos a few months ago. It's a true honor to be a part
of history both local and international as who knows, my photos may turn up in
a book 25 years from now like they do about rock from the 70s!
28, 2010
Photographie d'événement pour le CDEM (Conseil de développement économique
des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba): Gala des Pionniers de l'Entrepreneuship
28, 2010
Today I assisted Tony on another shoot. It's always fun to work with other photographers
when you can help out!
28, 2010
Commercial photography for the Jewish Foundation of Winnipeg
May 27, 2010
Commercial out of town photo shoot for the YMCA of Winnipeg
May 27, 2010
Staff portraits and commercial advertising portraits for Hooters (Which can be
Free Press On7 edition every Sunday)
May 26, 2010
No time to BLOG
I've had literally NO e-mails over the past few weeks asking if I had died and
gone to hang out with Henry, Ansel and Mikey as I haven't made a BLOG entry for
over 21 days. (Ok, maybe there where a few e-mails, mostly from my mom.)
No, the stories of my demise are quite overblown. I've just been to busy to BLOG
lately and have been doing some REALLY cool stuff, unfortunately I'm too busy
to even talk about it now but you can be sure I'll be BLOGGING about it soon!
Soon as I get time that is...
May 26, 2010
Event photography: Travel Manitoba Tourism Awards 2010
I've shot the TMTA (not to be confused with TMNT) for three years now and ever
year it's really exciting to see people doing such interesting and innovative
things in their field get recognized!
May 24, 2010
Two of my clients have joined together and I'm lucky enough to be shooting for
both of them: Both Hooters and Lone Star Harley-Davidson have joined together
on some events and needed photos for a commercial poster
May 23, 2010
Tonight I shot the fireworks for the Asian festival at the Forks with my photo
May 23, 2010
Today and at night I shot some stock photography of the CMHR (Canadian Museum
for Human Rights)
May 23, 2010
Large commercial photo shoot for Johnson Waste Management cancelled due to rain
already in progress)
May 21, 2010
Tonight I once again delved into my passion for low light work and shot fireworks
over downtown
May 20, 2010
Event photography for Creswin Properties Inc.: Groundbreaking event for the new
Blue Bombers stadium @ the U of M
May 20, 2010
Gigapan & large format photos from Canwest Place
May 20, 2010
Sports photography: Goldeyes baseball
Over the past three years through several of my contacts including Destination
Winnipeg I've been able to get a season media pass for the Goldeyes and this
year I was lucky enough to get it under
my own name!
May 19, 2010
Today I tested the Gigapan I have been given on loan as well as doing some infrared
May 18, 2010
Today I tested the Gigapan I have been given on loan but it wasn't a good day
for gigapanning as the clouds where causing major issues with having to take
hundreds of photos in a row uninterrupted.
May 17, 2010

Live band/concert photography: Daughtry
May 15, 2010
Commercial event photography for the Red River Exhibition Association
May 13, 2010
Commercial group portrait for The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
May 12, 2010
Maternity photos: Dan & Dominique
May 12, 2010
Commercial advertising portraits for Parks Canada
May 10, 2010
Commercial event photography: Rendez-vous Canada for Travel Manitoba
May 8, 2010

Event photography: Manitoba Airsoft Association open house
I only took a few shots as I was playing throughout the day. It's not exactly
safe to bring your camera into the middle of an airsoft firefight so I use a
that's a backup to my backup's backup....if that makes any sense.
May 7, 2010
Commercial event photography: Rendez-vous Canada for Travel Manitoba
May 6, 2010

Sports photography: Stars on Ice
May 4, 2010
Corporate portrait: Photo of Harrow Partners (law firm) president: Dave H for
the JFM
May 3, 2010
Winnipeg Photo Community: Monthly meeting
Tonight I hosted another of my WPC meetings. LOTS of new faces as well as all
the regulars!
I was mainly out to test the Gigapan but the sky was so nice for the first time
in a few days of rain I had to get this one shot:

For anyone who wants a desktop sized version of it, just click it!
My ESP is kicking in...you feel this photo has...nice colours. HA!
The super special secret behind this photo: I took it through my sunglasses!
Over the last four or five years I intentionally wear overly dark sunglasses
at specific times of the day to be able to see the sky in the way I want to.
way I can correspond it to what I want to see in camera.
May 2, 2010
I have been given the privilege of being one of the first people in Canada to
beta test the new GigaPan. A very interesting little....well, it's basically
a robot. Here's what it does: it's an automated machine which takes extremely
high res photos, how high res? In the gigapixels. One gigapixel is one billion
pixels...that's right...one billion! (Cue Dr. Evil laugh)
More on this later as I test it more!
April 30, 2010
Corporate portraits for CBC-Radio Canada
April 30, 2010
Live band/concert photography: Our Lady Peace
April 30, 2010
Organizational meeting: Travel Manitoba for Rendezvous Canada
April 29, 2010

Event photography: Power97 Stupid money $10000 give away!
April 28, 2010
Today I sold two new super high res images to Creswin Properties for their new
project: "The Elms" which is slated to be a high end shopping facility
near Polo
Over the last two years I've noticed a serious tendency with clients requesting super
high res images (in the 120-400 megapixel range) and I'm happy that I've
since started to re shoot and catalogue my images in super high res from both
my high res digital camera (24 megapixels) and also with my ridiculously large
format film camera
April 28, 2010
Event photography: The YMCA/YWCA Women of Distinction Awards
April 27, 2010
Today I saw two new photos of mine that I shot for CBC Radio-Canada about 4-5
months ago REALLY big on the side of the CBC building. It's always great to see
my work
in use, especially at that size!
Be sure to honk at my photos as you go by...it may confuse everyone around you
but it will make them feel good! HAHAHAH!
Here they are (corner of Portage and St. Mary Ave.)

26, 2010
Concert photography: Rob Zombie & Alice Cooper
VERY fun concert to shoot with amazingly bright lighting!
I also got to shoot some meet & greet photos prior to the concert and all
I can say is that both Alice and Rob are great guys! It's like hanging out with
April 25, 2010
As part of my plan to maintain a healthier and broader lifestyle (in other words
to make sure photography doesn't take over my life completely) today I played
my second outdoor airsoft skirmish. And yes, I had a camera there. These large
are way too few and far between to forget your camera at home!
Unfortunately crouching in the bush in the summer has a downside: Manitoba ticks!
That's right, our old nemesis the tick is back and people where picking them
off left and right. My personal tick count was only 2, but there where several
people who where flicking them off by the handful.
HUGE thanks to the organizers from Wolfpack as well as Jay from XT (who put the
poster up everywhere he could and his wife who made the promo poster) and to
Rolly, Rick and all the others for showing me the ropes and making sure I pointed
my gun in the
right direction! ;)

M.O.U.T. Introduction to MILSIM Airsoft Day 2010 (NOOB day)
April 24, 2010
Commercial promotional photography for the Red River Exhibition Park at the Cottage
April 23, 2010
Now that it's nice outside, over the last few weeks I've gotten hard core back
into running. I've run on and off all my life since the '80s and today I had
when I got three of my buddies together to go on a mini group run.
Sadly, at my pace two of the three only lasted 4 and 7 minutes respectively but
I then went on to run 1h9m, 40 minutes of which Simon came along with me at my
pace. It's always great to get out there and exercise and you can really feel
the benefits even when just carrying large camera cases up and down stairs or
shooting a large
event. Photography isn't just about photography you know!
Here's a shot of me and the boyz just before our run (I won't horrify you with
the after shot!)

April 21, 2010
As the photography coordinator for the MTS Centre, as I was busy shooting for
Tony I organized another photographer to shoot the Newsboys for the MTSC.
Thanks Shaun!
April 21, 2010
Today I assisted and was a second shooter for a fellow photographer and friend:
for the Engineers of Manitoba.
It's always great to work with other photographers to see how they function and
how they do things and Tony is the best so that makes the experience even better!
April 20, 2010
Biker girls Grace & Bre: Teaser gallery
Unfortunately these are just a few quickly chosen photos and don't necessarily
represent the best photos from the shoot as I took over 1600 photos in the 8
hour session and won't have time to sort our the best ones until later. But,
it will give you an idea of how hot bikes and beautiful girls can combine to
make for great
April 20, 2010
Huge thanks to Shaun G. for the photos of me from my lighting workshop (LW4-3)

20, 2010
I've gotten a BUNCH of comments, questions and remarks about the shirt I am wearing
in the photo from the April 18th BLOG entry which says: "Mmm...Caribou!"
this does not refer to the animal but the French Canadian drink "Caribou" which
is a fortified wine. I got this shirt from my job at Festival du Voyageur along
with a couple of other fun shirts with St. Boniface and Louis Riel on them.
Gotta keep it Riel when I'm on a photo shoot!
And BTW, no, I'm not a pompous, conceited jerk as I'm pretending to be in the
photo but that's the only way I don't come out looking like a goof in photos
as I normally do!
April 19, 2010
Commercial portraits for Hooters for advertising to go in the Winnipeg Free Press
On7 Sunday edition.
This is a HUGE series I've been shooting for them for over 3 or 4 months now.
April 18, 2010
Just don't tell my mom...
I started my career shooting models and unfortunately as I've gotten busier have
only been able to shoot a select few over the last couple of years. However today
was one of those
times that the setting and models where too great to resist.
Here is a ridiculous photo from the shoot with the girls and one very lucky photographer:

I'll have a teaser gallery up soon.
April 17, 2010
Today I gave the third in a series of lighting workshops I'm running in 2010.
Had a respectable but unexpectedly low 15 people as all the other workshops I've
run this year have had a minimum of 25 and last year I had up to 60 and 80 at
some of them.
HUGE thanks to Shaun who was invaluable in helping out!
April 16, 2010
Commercial portraits for the YMCA Women of Distinction awards
April 15, 2010
Today my buddy Lori stopped by and had her little guy Anderson (who I immediately
named: "Mr. Anderson" as a Matrix reference) with her and I grabbed
a couple quick and funky shots. If you ever want to confuse a baby, just use
a ring flash!

April 14, 2010
I finally had a chance today to work on some recent concert and event galleries:
12, 2010

Ice Fishing @ Lockport, Manitoba
11, 2010

Winnipeg Photo Community: April monthly meeting & sunset group photo shoot
April 10, 2010

Starscapes & star-trails from Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba
April 8, 2010
Commercial portrait photography and stock photography for Manitoba Pork (through
Fire Online)
As is quite normal for me being in this industry I saw something I had never
seen before and likely never would have unless I was a photographer: Part of
today's shoot was at Manitoba
Livestock where I got to shoot a whole lot of these little and BIG guys:

You can click for a larger image
To me this was interesting as with many things in life, you never get to see
them personally and get an idea for what you THINK they will look like in real
life but in this case I never knew their eyes where so human like. I guess all
those Saturday morning cartoons I watched in the 80's (which they don't do any
more) made me think they would be either googly-eyed or have completely black
almost shark like. Very
cool little experience thanks to my job.
April 7, 2010

Concert photography: John Mayer & Michael Franti & Spearhead
April 6, 2010

MORE Northern Lights! (And better too!)
And, just because I don't have anything else to do, another (much better) time
lapse of the NL is now available in my Time Lapse page:

Northern Lights active time lapse
April 6, 2010

Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Site progress shots
April 5, 2010
Today I hosted monthly meeting for my photo community: The
Winnipeg Photo Community
Here are some photos from the shoot showing mostly the group:
Winnipeg Photo Community: April monthly meeting & sunset group photo shoot
April 5, 2010
Northern Lights
This morning I photographed a fairly small auroral storm which is always exciting
to see!
Please also see this time lapse I took at the same time:

Northern Lights time lapse
April 3, 2010

Sports photography: PBR Bull Riding
April 2, 2010
I'm happy to say that I've already sold the first copy of my GP DVD with a handful
of people also interested for this week.. Huge thanks to Wilf for picking the
first one up!
April 2, 2010
I have officially released my Going Pro seminar on DVD today!

Please see my Going Pro DVD page for full details
and pricing. *This week only
you can save $50 off!
April 2, 2010
Having run this BLOG for so long I get a lot of strange and confusing requests
by e-mail but one type of request I never turn away is people doing projects
for school. Today
I had
to help a student with her "Career/Life Project" by simply taking the
time to
answer some fun questions about myself and my photography.
These are always fun to do as it makes me think about all the positive things
my life and with my photography.
I hope my lengthy answers don't bore you too much Hannah!
April 1, 2010
Today I played a very convincing April Fools day joke on the local photo club
I run and got a GREAT response back on it having duped most of the people.
Sorry about that all!
March 31, 2010
I'm used to running, just not after buses, but when I saw one of my photos that
I took for Power97 on the side of one, I had to jump out of my SUV and run after
it before it left for the next light. All the people getting off the bus where
fairly confused
as was the woman in the window!

Click for a larger image
This same photo as well as others from the same shoot have been used in web banners
on the Winnipeg Free Press' web site as well as on Power's site and elsewhere.
If you see one somewhere, tell me because I'm really happy they're getting such
good mileage with them.
31, 2010

Headley Concert photography: Tim McGraw & Lady Antebellum
30 mars, 2010
Photographie à bût commerciale pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface: tournée virtuelle, journée 2 de 2
March 30, 2010

Concert photography: Tim McGraw & Lady Antibellum
28 mars, 2010
Photographie à bût commerciale pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface: tournée virtuelle, journée 1 de 2
March 27, 2010
Today I organized and took part in the second WPC "film only" group
photo shoot where only film cameras are allowed in order to promote the use of
March 25, 2010
New large format work
I'm trying to add as much as I can to some of my new and/or less used sections,
in this case I've added two new sections to my large format area.
March 23, 2010
I'm pleased to announce my third lighting workshop this year, the LW4-3!
A photo from the LW4-2:

Both the LW4-1 and LW4-2 where huge successes with 40 and 26 people attending
them respectively.
The LW4-3 will be a highly sought after workshop as it's all about multiple creative
lighting setups.
Please see the dedicated workshop page
for the LW4-3 here for more information and registration.
March 22, 2010

Monster Jam from March 6th
March 22, 2010
My full VR tours for the Health Sciences Centre (HSC) Foundation Home Lottery
are now online!
Unfortunately their servers are being overwhelmed and so the tours take a long
time to load and sometimes you need to close and re-open them but they still
look great!
You can see them by following these links:
Lottery home #1
Lottery home #2
March 21, 2010
Commercial product photo shoot for Barkman Concrete at the Home Expressions 2010
and Garden Show
March 20, 2010

Live band/concert shoot: Billy Talent
March 19, 2010

One shot: Royal Canadian Mint northern lights manipulation
This photo is a digital manipulation using some of my existing photos of the
Northern lights and a photo I took recently of the Royal Canadian Mint here in
Winnipeg which has large stickers on the windows of the Olympic medals.
Unfortunately due to the light pollution from the city seeing this is rare to
impossible. There has been one case in the last five years where I was able to
see the Northern lights from inside the city but it was still impossible to photograph
them as the orange glow of the city (that you can see from as far away as Grand
Beach) washed them out.
March 19, 2010
Over the last few years I've forgotten about some of the special sections on
my BLOG including the desktops and the planets sections. I will now be doing
my best to update these on a more regular basis.
Here's a good start with two new planets:

Click here to view the planets
March 18, 2010
Event shoot: Grand re-opening of the Portsmouth retirement residence
March 17, 2010
Today's photo shoot was with Andrea, one of a couple of girls helping me out
with a series of airsoft themed shoots (see lower in this BLOG for more) as well
as to do a bunch of shots for herself, including this one taken downtown just
after sunset:

If you're interested in coming in for a free model shoot (and can hold up some
pretty hefty airsoft guns and may even have some ideas of your own for photos)
just e-mail me at dan@danharperphoto.com
17, 2010
Teaser: No, I haven't gone into the criminal underbelly and become an arms dealer,
this is what my living room looked like for today's shoot.

HUGE thanks go out to Jay, Rolly and Gord from XT for the loaner airsoft guns,
some of which are so unique they are one of only two known in Canada!
March 16, 2010

Today I once again put my life in the hands of the gods to venture up the 180+
meter high crane #1 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to get some new site
shots for them.
It's always good times when I can feel the crane swaying side to side as I'm
switching lenses!
March 16, 2010

Event photography: The Manitoba Moose Yearling Foundation Gala event/dinner including
headliner Cirque le Masque
March 16, 2010

I gave limited usage rights for the above photo of the Provencher bridge to the
City of Winnipeg's Planning and Land Use Division for an upcoming major report.
March 14, 2010
Searching through my site stats today I noticed a very strange/interesting thing:
An article I wrote about how to modify a Nikon APS-C
Fisheye lens for full frame
cameras over two years ago is getting a lot of attention in both Italy and
other places on random BLOGs like this
one. Apparently they like it but think I'm a bit crazy for cutting an $800
lens with a hacksaw. I've been called worse. ;)
March 14, 2010
Advertising photography for Hooters Winnipeg.
These advertisements appear in the Winnipeg Free Press On7 which comes out every
March 13, 2010
Commercial photo shoot for Travel Manitoba: Ice Fishing
March 12, 2010
I see Power97 is making good use of some photos I took for them back in late
January for a new web banner advertisement on the Winnipeg Free Press' web site: winnipegfreepress.com *you
might have to refresh the page several times as the banner is on a randomizer.
March 12, 2010
Stock photography sold for fine art prints to Silver Heights restaurant.
I sold several prints to the SHR after they've just remodeled their restaurant.
March 12, 2010
I often like to help people out who might not normally be able to afford stock
photography and allow them to exchange a few pictures for a link on their site.One
such case was for levyspromotions.com where
I gave him permission to use a couple of the photos you can see in my desktop
section (soon to be updated) for his banners.
March 11, 2010
Commercial HDR VR (high dynamic range virtual reality) tour for the Health Sciences
Lottery. The tour will soon go live here: hschomelottery.com
This is a great return client who I've worked for for over two years now and
been able to do some out of town VR tours for as well.
For this lottery, they have TWO houses and I took just over 3400 photos to create
the HDR VRs!
These homes are SPECTACULAR! If you don't have tickets to their lottery yet,
get them! I'm getting mine!
March 10, 2010
It's been over six years since I started this BLOG. As far as I know I was one
of if not the first photographer in WInnipeg to have a BLOG, creating it well
before I even knew what BLOGGING was or as it became popular.
However, unfortunately the design hasn't changed in that same amount of time
and I thought it was about time to give it a bit of attention. I haven't changed
it much, just made it a bit wider and easier to read. Hopefully you'll like
March 8, 2010
Advertising photography for Hooters Winnipeg.
These advertisements appear in the Winnipeg Free Press On7 which comes out every
7, 2010
Commercial photography (donor/recipient) for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba.
Huge thanks to Mark for being so organized with these shoots and to the JFM for
using me!
6, 2010
Monster Jam @ the MTS Centre
March 3, 2010

Xtreme-Tactics interiors
In addition to the interior shots above, I also did two preliminary virtual reality
files that you can see below by clicking the links.
*You need to have Quicktime installed to view these files
The coveted XT gun room.

The new XT store. YES you can now buy airsoft guns locally
March 3, 2010
WOW! It's been almost four weeks since I updated my BLOG last and it feels great
to get back into it.
Hi and thanks to all those who e-mailed me about such a long time off. No, I'm
not dead, nor did I marry a mobster's wife and move to Vegas...I've just been
busy shooting and processing, shooting and processing. SO, look all the way down
to February 1st to see all the new backdated BLOG postings.
March 2, 2010
My LW4-2 photos (from my February lighting workshop)
March 1, 2010
My LW4-1 photos (from my January lighting workshop)
February 28, 2010
Over the past couple of months I've gotten into airsofting, a tactical sport
similar to paintball...without the mess. My friends like to joke that I just
can't get away from shooting people in one way or another.
Thanks to this new interest I've gained quite a collection of airsoft guns which
make for great props whenever I'm shooting models. This is a collection of two
different shoots on an ongoing project:
The girls of airsoft #1
February 28, 2010
Commercial photography for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
February 27, 2010
Today I taught the second lighting workshop in this, my fourth series of lighting
workshops to 26 people. It was a great time helping and shooting with so many
other photographers!
Thanks everyone for coming!

Me shooting with a large format camera at my LW4-2. Thanks to Jojo for the photo!
(The upcoming LW4-3 is going to be one of the two best LW's that I teach this
year so stay tuned here for details.)
27, 2010
As the official photographer and photography coordinator for the MTS Centre,
as I was teaching a lighting workshop today, I organized another photographer
to shoot the soccer event at the MTSC Centre
Thanks Doug!
February 25, 2010
As regional manager for TPS Sports Photography/Marathon-Photos.com I hired and
organized two other photographers to shoot the Running Room Hypo Half Marathon
for this coming Sunday.
February 21, 2010
Day eleven, the final day of my multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du
After my final shoot for Festival today, here are some stats from 11 days of
-8222 digital photos for 232.25 gigabytes taken
-24 large format film photos taken
-I met a TON of super nice people, many of which where photographers who I gave
WPC promo cards to so hopefully they'll be joining us soon!
-I also met a lot of drunk people (gotta love Caribou...the fortified wine kind)
and got hit on by many of them but despite being single...drunk girls just aren't
that interesting, they're hilarious but also very dangerous to photo gear!
-I got some HUGE compliments from the FDV council on some of my past and preliminary
photos from this year, always good to hear.
-On average I shot 7 separate events a day including bands, re-enactors, re-enactments,
the school program (where the Festival site is not available to the public for
two days), the governor's ball, the VIP night and a ton of other stuff like snow
sculptures and the fire pixies who I got some shots that I'm really happy with!
Thanks to everyone who posed patiently and where pictured!

February 20, 2010
Day ten of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 19, 2010
Day nine of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 18, 2010
Late night commercial photography for Bayview Construction LTD./Rocky Road Recycing

Once a year (possibly twice) the City of WInnipeg does a massive cleanup of all
the built up snow on the sidewalks that cumulates when they do the snow clearing.
I was sent out to get shots of Bayview vehicles working on this massive project.
I was also VERY lucky to get my first ride in a front end loader and I gotta
tell you, those things are really comfortable but also really cramped!

February 18, 2010
Day eight of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 18, 2010
(-Professionalism of saying hi to your mom
on your BLOG: 0%
-Love received from your mother for saying hi to her on your BLOG because she
checks it every day to keep up with you: immeasurable!!!
February 17, 2010

Disney on Ice: Princesses
February 17, 2010
Day seven of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 16, 2010
Commercial photography for Bayview Construction LTD./Rocky Road Recycing LTD.

February 16, 2010
Day six of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 15, 2010
Day five of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 14, 2010
Day four of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 13, 2010
Day three of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 12, 2010
Day two of a multiple day event photo shoot for Festival du Voyageur
February 11, 2010
Commercial staff portraits for mf1
February 10, 2010
Today saw the start of my third year in a row being the official photographer
for Festival du Voyageur.
I was in the festival park taking a huge group photo of all the people who work
with FDV as well as the main group of FDV staff. I also took several shots of
the snow sculptures as they where being built.
It looks like another great year for FDV!
February 9, 2010

Power97 time lapse video of recent photo shoot
February 8, 2010
Tonight I hosted another one of my photo club's (WPGphoto.com) monthly meetings.
February 7, 2010

Announcing the Dan Harper Lighting Workshop series 4, #2 (LW4-2)
The LW4-2 concentrates on studio lighting.
Please see here for more details: Dan
Harper's LW4-2
February 5, 2010
Portraits of Alison for entry into the 2011 Hooters International calendar
3 février, 2010
Photographie à bût commerciale pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface: Portraits de professeurs.
February 1, 2010
WPC executive committee meeting
February 1, 2010
Commercial group portrait photography: Portsmouth resident council group photo
February 1, 2010
HUGE thanks to all those who attended my first "Going Pro" seminar!
Again, this was also the first of it's kind in Winnipeg and I feel EXTREMELY
happy to have had 17 registered attendees, 2 of which unfortunately couldn't
make it due to a death in the family and my heart and thoughts go out to them.

Thanks to Cory for the photo!
I gave out a questionnaire at the end of the seminar (which people where able
to fill out anonymously to get the most honest suggestions and feelings about
it) and almost everyone felt that the seminar would have been worth it even at
the full price. (Luckily they where all smart and got in on the early bird pricing
of 50% off!)
As this was the first time I ran this particular seminar, there where bound to
be issues, however the only hiccup I had was having the gear portion of the seminar
go long as there where several questions from the attendees, therefore making
it go long and dig into the time for the critique portion which people all unanimously
decided we would skip in order to spend more time on the "how to get your
name out there & differentiate yourself from other photographers" section.
BUT, I have e-mailed all those in attendance and will be giving them a free,
one on one critique session in order to make it up to them.
I will be selling a DVD collection of the entire seminar for somewhere around
$750. Why so much? As most of the people in attendance mentioned that the seminar
would have been a good value at the full price, and as you can FF and RW the
DVD I feel that has added value. Also, if you could buy the DVD for less than
the seminar itself, why bother going at all? HOWEVER, there will be special WPC
pricing AND anyone who attended the seminar will be able to purchase the collection
for around only $300.
Here are some of the comments from attendees:
-"I think it was well worth it. I liked the smaller group size."
-"You where very articulate with your topics!"
-"I found it very informative and like the casual setting."
-"Thanks for taking the time and having the courage to do this seminar!"
Most people had the same thing to say when asked which sections where most helpful:
-"Enjoyed all aspects."
-"All of it was extremely useful."
However the specific parts of the seminar which most people felt where most interesting/helpful
Again, thanks to all the GP attendees for your faith and great questions!
February 1, 2010
Commercial group portrait photography: Portsmouth resident council group photo
30, 2010
Just a final reminder to those still interested that there is still plenty of
room for my "Going Pro" seminar that happens today. Please visit the
following link if you would like to attend: "Going
Pro - How to break into and help yourself succeed as a professional photographer"
January 29, 2010

Live band/concert photography: Mötley Cruë
January 29, 2010
Event/photojournalistic photography for the YMCA Winnipeg: South branch grand
January 28, 2010
Commercial product photography for Barkman Concrete in Steinbach
January 26, 2010
Commercial photography for Power97, billboards, ads and web shots
January 22, 2010

Winnipeg Photo Club/Photo Central gallery #3 gala opening
These are photos from the gala opening of my photo club's 3rd gallery. Each winning
member is beside their own print.
Be sure to check it out until Feb 11 at Photo Central!
January 20, 2010
Today I was very honored to have been chosen to be interviewed by two groups
in total) from the Red River College Photography program.
This was for one of their courses on marketing but was just a general look at
a local photographer with emphasis on what one does to market oneself.
I was very pleased to be able to help out upcoming photographers (although still
don't know why they chose me, still being relatively new (5-6 years) to
It was a really fun time, more like talking with friends, and they all left and
thanked me for all the information.
As many people already know, I'm always happy to help out anyone interested in
photography and do so on a very regular basis. Just yesterday I received an e-mail
form a fellow photographer from the US about some gear I've reviewed and was
some recommendations
which went beyond the review.
So, if you have a class, project or just questions, feel free to contact me and
I'll do my best to help out!
January 20, 2010

Sports photography: BDO Classic Canadian Open curling
January 19, 2010
Due to some last minute interest I have extended the deadline for "early
bird" pricing to this Sunday. Also, if you would like to deliver
your registration in person to make sure it gets here in time for the early bird
pricing please
me by e-mail to arrange
a drop-off.
*As of this coming Monday, the workshop will be priced at $500 for everyone,
you will only then be able to pay at the door.
January 18, 2010
Just a reminder to anyone still interested that the final day for "early
bird" pricing of my "Going Pro" workshop is this Thursday. Feel
free to contact me
if you have any questions.
January 18, 2010
Meeting with Destination Winnipeg to discuss their photo needs for 2010. Lots
of great work from them on the way!
January 17, 2010

Concert photography: Blue Rodeo
January 17, 2010
Commercial photo shoot for Hooters Winnipeg: Photos for advertisements in the
Winnipeg Sun (newspaper).
January 15, 2010
The Winnipeg Photo Community/Photo Central gala opening was a huge success with
well over 100 people attending in just two hours. Thanks again to all the winners
as well as all those who brought
The gallery will be open until February 11 for anyone interested in seeing it.
(Always free entrance!)
This is a time-lapse of the gala event itself:

Click for the video
January 14, 2010
Tomorrow I am hosting the gala opening of my photo communities' 3rd gallery at
Photo Central. Anyone who likes photography/art is welcome to attend!
The event is from 6pm to 8pm at Photo Central at 499 Notre Dame.
Hope to see you there!
January 14, 2010
Today with the help of WPC club members Dave B. and Bruce H.we set up the 3rd
WPC/PC community gallery.
Here is a time-lapse I created of the setup process:

Click for the video
January 13, 2010

Concert photography: Guns n' Roses
January 12, 2010
Photographie à bût commerciale pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface: Portraits
de professeurs.
January 11, 2010
I just bought a new house!
Well...sort of, check out this video: New house?
January 9, 2010
Had a GREAT turnout to the LW4-1 with several people registering at the door.
The feedback I got was really great too:
-"Presentation was awesome!" -Rick
-"The workshop was incredibly informative and the models stunning! When
you have
your 2nd workshop, I shall be there." -Kristie
-"I learned a lot about things that I was doing wrong, and about a few things
that I wasn't doing at all. **BTW Dan, leave the posing to the models...lol**" -Mukesh
-"Very informative and learned so much even just watching the shooting and
to others." -Shannon
-"I had already attended the previous off camera flash workshop but I picked
up even more from this one. The whole atmosphere was very relaxed." -John
Huge thanks to all those who attended!
The next one will be at the end of February (or mid-March).
January 8, 2010
There are still several spots available for both shooters and attendees for the
LW4-1 lighting workshop tomorrow. If you want to attend you can just sign up
at the door with cash in hand!
January 5, 2010
Today I was absolutely privileged to shoot not one but two parts of the Olympic
Torch Relay as it came through Manitoba.
The first part was for Air Canada, covering two of their international employees
(one from Miami, Florida and the other from London, England) who were both were
torch bearers who's legs were in Steinbach, Manitoba.
Huge thanks to both Deb and Miguel who I didn't ever have to tell to smile as
they were SO happy to be a part of the relay!
Second, I covered the whole event at the Forks for Parks Canada. Which included
thousands of people being right in the middle of the Forks itself which was spectacular
to see despite
the extremely cold weather. Way to go Winnipeg!
This was an amazing event to be a part of!
January 5, 2010
Photojournalism: Olympic Torch Relay at the Forks for Parks Canada
January 5, 2010
Photojournalism: Air Canada torch bearers in Steinbach at the Olympic Torch Relay
January 4, 2010
Tonight I hosted another one of my WPC meetings.
January 4, 2010
Commercial architectural photography: Interiors and VR (virtual reality tour)
for the Wellington retirement home.
January 3, 2010
A special present in the cold of winter for your viewing pleasure: never before
released helicopter shots from over Winnipeg in the late summer.

Helicopter over WInnipeg
January 1, 2010
In celebration of the new year, here's a big shot from the New Years Eve fireworks
at the Forks which were the best I've seen in five years of addicted fireworks

Click for a much larger image
January 1, 2010
Thinking back on all the amazing experiences I had over 2009 was spectacular!
I shot three destination weddings in Cuba, Montreal and Calgary (and several
here at home). I shot for dozens of my regular clients throughout the year and
I was also able to work with several new clients.
Thinking back I just want to thank everyone that helped me in 2009! (Not that
any of them visit here, but it's the thought that counts! HA!)
I also look forward to working with all my return clients including the Canadian
Museum of Human Rights, Power97, Festival du Voyageur, Travel Manitoba, the YMCA,
the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, Destination Winnipeg and several others, I
won't be able to list them all here.
Thanks so much for a great 2009 and I'm already looking forward to 2010
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