Archive - 2009
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30, 2009
I'm currently working with two large companies to get a large amount of my work
for their workplaces, one restaurant and one car dealership.
December 28, 2009
I organized an online critique for my local photo community the WPC
December 25, 2009
Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays to all my family and friends and all the other two people who
check this BLOG out!
a great holiday
December 22, 2009
Dan Harper Photography - Professional development workshops:
"Going Pro - How to break into and help
yourself succeed as a professional photographer"
This is the first of it's kind seminar for Winnipeg that I will be giving at
the end of January.

Click here for more
details about the seminar including a synopsis and registration

Me: "Trying to get the best shot"
December 21, 2009
I always try to get copies of my work whenever it's used in print materials etc
but these are ones that I don't think I'll end up getting a copy of:

These are two super high res 10'x10' trade displays that I sold the photos to
Destination Winnipeg about a month or two ago. The printer said that he had never
seen such good quality high res images!
20, 2009

Les nouveaux Voyageurs officiels du Festival du Voyageur
December 19, 2009

Randy Bachman & Fred Turner press conference
December 19, 2009

Disney Playhouse Live
December 18, 2009

Aboriginal People's Music Choice Awards 2009
December 18, 2009

Manito Ahbee Festival 2009
December 18, 2009

Manitoba Military Tattoo
December 17, 2009
Commercial photography: environmental portraiture for the YMCA annual report
and online newsletter
December 17, 2009
Dan Harper Photography - Professional development workshops
Over the last five years I've done a lot of teaching for multiple organizations
including the PrairieView School of Photography as well as camera clubs, individuals
and huge groups. This year I'm expanding my workshops and seminars to include
several areas of photography.
First, I've got a series of lighting workshops, the fourth incarnation of these
for me, starting in early January. You can read more about it on a dedicated
workshop page here: Dan Harper's LW4-1:
Using speedlights and natural light for portraits
Second, on January 30th, 2010 I'll be giving Winnipeg's first "Everything
you need to know about professional photography" seminar which I'm dubbing "Going
pro - How to break into and be successful in professional photography."
This will include everything from what gear you do and don't need, how to shoot
and expose for every type of photography as well as how to get clients and how
and what to charge for every different type of photography from weddings to products
to stock.
This will be a one of a kind, all inclusive workshop dedicated to jump starting
the aspiring photographer. Seminar page up soon.
A photo from one of the lighting workshops I taught last year:

December 16, 2009

Commercial photo shoot for Hooters WInnipeg from December 5th
Again I just want to say that it's been a privilege to have been shooting for
them for over four years now! They were one of my first two clients and they're
always fun to work with!
December 16, 2009
Commercial photography: environmental portraiture for the YMCA annual report
and online newsletter
December 14, 2009
Another fun full day shoot with the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba acting like
Santa handing out gifts in the form of money. Sure does help to get you in the
holiday spirit!
December 12, 2009
*Updated. Please re-read.
Holiday theft
Yesterday I heard a sad story. Like we all do at this time of the year, a member
of my photo community had locked a bunch of presents in the trunk of his car.
However, after going into another store for no more than eight minutes, came
outside to find his vehicle broken into and all the gifts gone.
Dustin's sad story doesn't end there however as almost exactly two years ago
to the day his wife died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, leaving
him with his two sons, 3 and 7 years old.
I am neither rich nor famous but his story really saddened me because it was
going to make buying what he needed for his two young sons almost impossible.
So, I decided to help him out and bought him a new Nikon D3000 DSLR kit from
Don's Photo which was one of the major items stolen from his vehicle. It wasn't
an easy decision as it was quite hard to fit into my finances but it's good to
know that it will help him out especially at this time of the year.
This story then started an outpouring of support and now others in my photography
community have offered to help offset the cost to me which is both really thoughtful
and helpful.
Let this also be a lesson to us all to be careful with our vehicles/property
but also NEVER to drink and drive. Just take a freakin' taxi or call Operation
Red Nose 947-NOSE (6673).
Good luck to Dustin with the new camera and thanks to the members of the WPC
who have offered support on this.
Dustin has just provided me with the actual first photo (DSC_0001) taken with
his new camera of one of his sons:

December 10, 2009
Commercial photo shoot: Jewish Foundation of Manitoba: Cheque presentations
Today I had a really interesting photography job: For the second time in the
last two years I got to drive around town with the Jewish Foundation (I'm not
Jewish myself but work for the foundation quite often and love learning about
their culture).
They were handing out about 1.5 million dollars to Jewish and non-Jewish related
organizations around the city including: The Salvation Army, the Winnipeg Art
Gallery, Mount Carmel Clinic, Seven Oaks General Hospital Foundation, The University
of Manitoba and Shalom Residences.
It got me right into the holiday season and I know now why the JFM does this
at this time of the year as you feel like Santa (or the spirit of Hanukkah)
December 9, 2009

Bachman/Turner promos
On December 7th I had the absolute honor of doing the promo shots for international
rock legends Bachman/Turner, the "B" and the "T" from BTO.
Even though I was a bit stressed because I wanted to produce something really
unique for such unique guys, they were the nicest, down to earth people ever
and the shoot went great!
Also, when you get feedback from huge rock stars and their management team like: "loved
it", "you had the exact attitude we needed for this shoot" and "everyone
loved them", it helps to remind you that it's actually a good thing to second
guess every shot, pose and idea and also it suggests that you don't suck. :>
I feel like the luckiest guy on earth right now!
Thanks to Gilles, Michelle and of course Fred and Randy!
December 8, 2009
As president of the Winnipeg Photo Community I panned and hosted our annual holiday
celebration and print exchange.
December 8, 2009
Bachman/Turner press conference
December 7, 2009
For every shoot I do there's at least a bit of nervousness involved but it's
all positive and related to wanting to do the best job for the client. (Frankly
I don't even like to call
people who I work with "clients" as we normally end up working together
a lot and develop at least a level of friendship and keep up through BLOGs and
e-mail etc
but I digress)
For most shoots, I've got the experience under my belt to do a really good job,
and although today's shoot was "just another
band promo", something that I consider myself pretty good at and also really
enjoy, it wasn't just ANY band promo. Today, the client was two people, so ingrained
in the culture and history of Winnipeg, I wanted to do more than the best job
The clients today were none other than Randy Bachman and Fred Turner of BTO fame.
Although I've shot Randy (through his management company Paquin Entertainment)
at a couple of concerts before and went to school with Fred's son Matt (HI MATT!)
doesn't make the task any easier. None the less, the shoot went really well and
I had a great time being a small
part of the rock process!
*Due to client request I will only be posting my images from the shoot after
tomorrow's press conference.
December 6, 2009
Over the years I've had the pleasure of shooting some of the most important,
influential figures from around the world: Prime Ministers, bands and business
leaders and other people that play a huge role in our lives in one way or another.
However, none of those people can compare to when my family asks me to shoot
I've had the distinct pleasure of being able to help all of my family members
using my photography but being able to shoot my nan's (grandma's) 90th birthday
party today was definitely one of the highlights of my career.
birthday nan!
December 6, 2009

Banff, Canmore and Moraine Lake, Alberta
These were taken after I shot a wedding in Calgary this summer. Afterwards I
was lucky enough to take some time off and explore the area for a few days with
my buddy J.
5, 2009

Three Days Grace & Default
December 5, 2009

Default @ Studio 97
December 5, 2009
Commercial portraits and group photos for Hooters Winnipeg advertising
*Photos up later this week
For over 4 years I've been VERY lucky to be the exclusive photographer for Hooters
Winnipeg and (no matter what my mom thinks about it) I consider the trust they
put in me an honor.
Some of my friends joke that shooting for Hooters must be the most fun shoots
I do but they're actually some of the hardest, most demanding and technical shoots
Ok fine, all that AND they're some of the most fun shoots I get to do!
December 4, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance Canada
December 3, 2009
I've just added a new time-lapse video of my trip to Calgary to shoot a wedding
in July. Take a look at it in my Time-Lapse section.
December 2, 2009
On-site consultation for a big order of panoramics and other large prints for
dealership to display on their newly finished walls.
December 1, 2009
A little over two weeks ago I sprained my ankle really badly while participating
in a new hobby of mine: airsoft! For those who don't know, airsoft is like paint
ball but the guns look more realistic.
Fortunately I didn't have any fast paced photo shoots over the past couple of
weeks that required me to do much running around.
But, as my ankle had healed I decided to help out a friend's dad who has been
single-handedly building their new house. So, over the past few days, and over
some of the following ones, I've now become a carpenter or
as I call it: "house building type guy"!

Here's the house in rural MB
November 30, 2009
Photographie à bût commerciale pour le Festival du Voyageur: Portraits
et photos de groupe de la nouvelle famille officielle
November 29, 2009
I often get asked for location suggestions in Winnipeg and Manitoba to shoot
landscapes, portraits, weddings and wildlife. These requests come not only from
local photographers but also photographers from other provinces and countries
to Winnipeg
to visit.
So, in order to help fellow photographers and photography enthusiasts I've created
a HUGE article with the best locations in both Winnipeg and Manitoba!
You can see it in my Articles section or directly
by clicking here: Photographic locations
November 29, 2009
Today I have a photo up as part of a group show at the Wayne Arthur Gallery (on
Provencher) . The theme for this gallery show is "50 Manitoba Stories" and
my photo is one of the shots I took of the summer lighting storm.
November 28, 2009

FSX Fire and Ice at the MTS Centre, Winnipeg
November 27, 2009
I was very fortunate today to get an early heads up from Don's Photo about some
new Nikon gear hitting Winnipeg so I was (likely) the first person in the city
to take ownership of the long awaited Nikkor 70-200mm 2.8 VR II.
I spent a little time outside with it today as again very luckily my good buddy
Dave B stopped by so we went out shooting together and I got to test it around
St B.
25, 2009
See my dream in motion (imagine if we really COULD see each others dreams)

Click here to go to the time-lapse video. It is 8.9 MB so please be patient
it loads.
This is a time-lapse version of an experimental project
November 23, 2009
Another dream I had

Click for larger image
This is another in a series of an experimental project I'm working on.
November 21, 2009

Matthew Good in concert @ the Burt
November 19, 2009

Dane Cook Isolated Incident Global Thermo Comedy Tour - Winnipeg
November 19, 2009

Click for a larger image
A dream I had.
Many of you may not realize what you're looking at or know what went into making
this photo but this technique was actually invented before photography as we
know it started. I've never seen this done in Winnipeg so wanted to give it a
November 18, 2009
The Trews acoustic
*Just want to say hi to the guy in the front row & thanks for the seat!
November 18, 2009
Today I am privileged to announce that I have just received my letter of acceptance
and have been
photographers for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights!
Over the last few months I have already worked with the museum on several projects
including getting some very special access such as site
crane #1 and the Forks "smoke stack" aka the A-Channel tower as well
as several
site visits and board member shoots.
I am honoured to be among the few official photographers for such a prestigious
national museum in my own back yard!
November 17, 2009
Photo rights sold: Photos for the U of W
November 17, 2009
Photo rights sold: Helicopter photos of the CMHR site
November 15, 2009

Stone Temple Pilots
November 14, 2009
Les Balcaens
I don't do a lot of family portraits but when I do they're always fun!
Thanks to Serge and family for the laughs!
November 11, 2009
Happy Remembrance day to all.
Was a beautiful day!
It was so nice that I had to take out a new piece of kit, imported from a land
far away: a large format Fuji instant camera back. For those of you not familiar
this is basically a Polaroid back for a large format camera, producing both instant
colour or B&W photos on the spot. Simply shoot, remove the photo from the
holder and wait for it to develop. Done!
Who ever said digital was quicker? With this I get a printed photo, instantly!
One of the results with it's own subject in the background:

(Click for larger image)
And here is a shot of the camera:

(Click for larger image)
And finally one of the instant photos scanned:

(Click for larger image)
November 9, 2009

Concert photography: Kiss & Buckcherry live in Winnipeg
November 8, 2009

Band promo photography: Hope Atlantic
This new "Winnipeg super band" comprises three members who I've shot
from three separate local bands (and Jeremy, don't forget Jeremy!) and it was
to be
able to dissuade them from the normal "let's shoot in the Exchange area/studio" and
to a very special location that I've never seen used for bands before.
It was also spectacular to shoot with such dedicated people who care about what
they're doing and are willing to do anything to evolve. And I'm privileged to
have my
as a part of that evolution.
Thanks guys!
(And thanks to the girlfriends who came out and acted as voice activated light
November 7, 2009
Event photography: Manito Ahbee
November 6, 2009
Televised event photography: Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards
November 6, 2009
Today I was extremely fortunate to be the first photographer to shoot from the
CMHR crane. This is the first of two large cranes that will be on the site. This
one will be growing as of tomorrow and then another will come on site and soon
after go taller than the first.

Photo by GL (Thanks!)
5, 2009

Power97: Guy's Garage Conquering Winter
November 4, 2009
I finally had time to put up one of the many articles I have waiting to be finished.
This one is a film review: Velvia vs. Ektar also
available in my Articles section.
November 3, 2009
Commercial on site
product photo shoot for Barkman Concrete
November 2, 2009
I hosted my photo communities' (wpgphoto.com)
monthly meeting.
November 1, 2009
Personal portrait
October 29, 2009
I've finally had
time to update my panoramic web site: WPG360.com with
a few new panoramic photos! Here is a preview:

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge
Many more can be found on my panoramic site: WPG360.com
October 28, 2009
Deuxième journée d'un projet
de deux jours de photographie à bût commerciale pour le site web
du Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface: Service des communications
par Internet
October 27, 2009
Photographie pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface: Chiens de soleil
October 25, 2009
Première journée d'un projet
de deux jours de photographie à bût commerciale pour le site web
du Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface: Service des communications
par Internet
October 25, 2009
Manitoba Military
October 23, 2009
Family photos for
the Balcaens
October 22, 2009
Two more roof access
shoots for Destination Winnipeg for a super high res
(200+ megapixels) trade display project
October 21, 2009
Another roof access shoot for Destination
Winnipeg for a super high res (200+ megapixels) trade display project
October 21, 2009

A new large format photo for a DW project *Click for a larger version
This 4"x5" negative, when scanned, is over 800 megapixels and is almost
2 gigabytes
in size. Yes, it's BIG! Go film!
October 20, 2009
Event photography for Centrallia
October 19, 2009

A panoramic sunset from St Leon, Manitoba
You MUST view this photo larger!
You can see more of my panoramic work on: WPG360.com
October 18, 2009

Sunset from St Boniface, Winnipeg
October 17, 2009
Today I organized and participated in another group shoot for the WPC. I went
out with another 16 photographers to the Pembina Valley area to shoot an abandoned
house as well as the wind farm near St Leon, Manitoba.
October 16, 2009
Event photography: Blue Man Group @ the MTS Centre
October 15, 2009
Concert photography: Bif Naked
October 15, 2009

Event photography: "Wiggles go Bananas" at the MTS Centre
October 13, 2009
Pet and portrait photography: Fiona & her pups Ruby & Lewi
October 14, 2009
Landscape/low light photography: Starscapes, star trails and Northern Lights
October 13, 2009
Pet photography: for Fiona and her 2 K9's
October 12, 2009
Metallica Live in Winnipeg
Spectacular setup and lighting. 360 for concerts kicks butt! I walked around
that stage enough that I didn't even have to go for a run today!
Metallica now takes over from Megadeth for the best concert lighting I've ever
October 11, 2009
Last week I bought another large format camera and buried in the pile of stuff
included was a strange looking device: A polaroid back. Also included where the
remnants of a box of polaroid film.
Now, I've NEVER shot polaroid. My nan (grandma) being the woman of the moment
she is, had a Polaroid a long time back. I still even have a few pics that she
made from it of her dog and house etc. However, that's the only exposure I've
had to that format but the Polaroid instamatic she had was nothing compared to
the complexity of this weird looking large format Polaroid back attachment, device,
So, finding these gems although interesting was also weird and scary to me.
How does this large format polaroid back work?
How long do you let it develop for?
Being the internetty guy I am I did some research, and then being the active
shooter I am, I took some pics, one of which I'm now using as my new avatar on
the WPC

Click for a larger image
*Thanks to my buddy J, professional hand model, for modeling this one for free
for me!
October 6, 2009

Winnipeg from a helicopter in high res
During one of the only periods of perfect conditions I chartered a helicopter
in order to get some new high resolution images of Winnipeg from a helicopter.
Thanks to the great conditions and the great pilot I've got some great shots
of Winnipeg in super high resolution.
October 4, 2009
Winnipeg from a helicopter in high res

Beausejour and Pinawa Manitoba - Large format film
October 3, 2009

Beausejour and Pinawa Manitoba - Medium format film
October 2, 2009
I was shooting film during a recent commercial shoot for Destination Winnipeg
and decided to stitch two medium format photos into one to make a really big
Winnipeg lovers shot. Here is the result:

Click for a much larger image
October 1, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for Wettest: Environmental industrial portraiture, people
working on site, staff portraits and more for company re branding.
September 30, 2009
Commercial event photography: Travel Manitoba's AGM
September 29, 2009
Stock photo assignment shoot for Destination Winnipeg.
September 29, 2009
Keith Urban in concert
September 29, 2009
I haven't posted many of my personal shots over the last while so I just wanted
to share a really neat Winnipeg shot that I took on medium format film while
on one of my helicopter rides last week. You HAVE to click it to see it LARGER!

Click for a MUCH larger version!
28, 2009
Tonight I hosted the 5th anniversary of my photo community: WPGphoto.com a photo
community I've been running...well...for five years. :) A very successful event
with aprox 60 people in attendance and a VERY fun "print exchange" with
prints exchanged.
Huge thanks to Don's and Henry's as well as Nikon Canada for providing over $1200
worth of prizes and to the whole community for it's support!
September 28, 2009
Prelim/scouting shoot for Scatliff+Miller+Murray Inc.
Thanks to Bob for the walk around.
September 27, 2009
Freelance photojournalism: I was asked by the Winnipeg Free Press to cover the
Keith Urban
concert and my shot was used both on their web site (which
can be seen here) as well as in the Sunday print edition of the WInnipeg
Free Press.
September 26, 2009
Keith Urban in concert
September 25, 2009
Stock photo assignment shoot for Destination Winnipeg.
September 24, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for Travel Manitoba: Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Historic
Village tour
September 23, 2009
Today I went on not one but TWO HELICOPTER rides, one that I chartered and another
completely different one that I was VERY lucky and VERY happy to get on! Thanks
22, 2009
Over the last two years I have gotten more and more into VR (Virtual Reality)
tours and one of the most recognizable is the Health Sciences Centre: Home Lotteries.
Most recently the tour for both the "Lifestyles Lottery" home and the
be viewed at the following addresses:
Lifestyle Lottery: Grand prize show home
Lifestyle Lottery: Grand prize cottage
September 21, 2009
Finally after 24 days straight shooting I've been able to take a couple of days
to process some stuff:

Marilyn Manson
September 21, 2009

Daniel O'Donnell
September 20, 2009
I hosted another event for the WPC, this one a seminar on digital manipulation
given by WPC member Britt at PrairieView. Again, a very successful event as we
September 19, 2009
Today I hosted a VERY successful photographic garage sale at the MTS Centre.
There where over 120 people lined up at the doors right at the beginning and
the day saw somewhere from 400-500 people come through. In talking to the sellers
including commercial outlets Don's and Henry's, everyone had a great time and
sold a lot of equipment.
All in all a very successful event for the WPC which was "Very well organized
and executed" said many members.
Here is a photo from the event:

Click to enlarge
September 18, 2009
This morning I was on a local radio station talking about the photographic garage
sale I have set up for tomorrow. Huge thanks to Hal and CJOB for the props and
help in getting the word out!
September 17, 2009
Again I was able to help another professional photographer friend (Steve) with
some jewelry shots and lend him my new high res camera as well as a macro lens
for the shoot. It was REALLY fun to do a collaborative effort on the shoot as
I not only learned but was also able to help out with my own knowledge as well.
September 16, 2009
Consulting: Today I helped a fellow photographer (Tony, one of the most successful
in Winnipeg) with a new camera he had just bought that I also have. It's always
fun to keep up with other photographers and to be able to help them or lend them
lenses when they need it.
September 16, 2009
Commercial full day product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
(The eleventh in
a multi-day project)
September 15, 2009
Press conference and environmental portraits for the Canadian Museum of Human
September 15, 2009
For anyone interested I have organized a photography equipment garage sale at
the MTS Centre this Saturday, September 19th from 1-6pm. For more details see: WPGphoto.com
September 15, 2009
Commercial full day product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
(The tenth in
a multi-day project)
September 14, 2009
Commercial full day product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
(The ninth in
a multi-day project)
September 13, 2009
Marilyn Manson in concert
September 11, 2009
Photographie à bût commerciale pour le Collège universitaire
de Saint-Boniface
September 10, 2009
Commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
eighth in
a multi-day project)
September 10, 2009
Today I was VERY fortunate to be treated to tickets to the Tragically Hip. It
was doubly great as I didn't even have to take pictures at a concert for once!
used to be about the music for me once...ha!
HUGE thanks to Matty for the ticket hookup. How someone can get tickets to a
sold out concert I have no idea but I sure do appreciate it!
September 9, 2009
Commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
seventh in
a multi-day project)
September 8, 2009
New portraits for CJOB and Power97

CJOB staff/host portraits

Power97 staff/DJ portraits
8, 2009
Commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
sixth in
a multi-day project)
September 7, 2009
Out of town commercial virtual reality tour of the Health Sciences Centre Lifestyles
Lottery cottage in Falcon Lake, Manitoba
September 6, 2009
Today I drove back in from the QC countryside and then flew back from my whirlwind
All I can say is thank goodness for GPS'!
September 5, 2009
14 hour destination wedding in Maskinogé, Québec.
September 4, 2009
I flew out to Monthréal, Québec today for my third destination
wedding of the
other two where Cuba and Calgary)
I shot both the wedding rehearsal and the dinner.
September 3, 2009
Commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
fifth in
a multi-day project)
September 3, 2009
Staff portraits/commercial portraiture for both CJOB and Power97.
September 2, 2009
Full day commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
(The fourth
a multi-day project)
September 1, 2009
Full day commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
a multi-day project)
August 31, 2009
Commercial staff portraits for the FASD Centre
August 31, 2009
Commercial virtual reality VR tour for the Health Sciences Centre
August 30, 2009
My birthday! Yeaaaaaay!
Had a great time with my family and friends. Thanks to all those countless others
who sent their wishes from down the street or afar via e-mail etc!
August 29, 2009

Band promos: Besieged
Worked with the boys again after two and a half years. Always fun to run around
town with a gaggle of half drunk guys!
August 28, 2009
Photographie à bût commerciale: Théâtre dans le cimetière
August 27, 2009

Commercial event photography:
Department of Canadian Heritage: Arts capital announcement
August 26, 2009
Commercial product and portrait photography for Barkman Concrete
(The second
a multi-day project)
August 26, 2009

Commercial portraits on site and on location for CJOB 680
August 26, 2009
Commercial photography: Site photos from the A-Channel "smoke stack" for
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
August 25, 2009
Commercial product and portrait/lifestyle photography for Barkman Concrete
a multi-day project)
August 25, 2009
Photographie commerciale: Portraits de publicité et de panneaux d'affichage
pour CBC Radio-Canada
August 24, 2009
Concert photography: Daniel O'Donnel live in concert
August 23, 2009
I spent the day shooting large format (with Tim) in rural Manitoba including
August 22, 2009

AC/DC in concert

AC/DC pre-show dressing room presentation

AC/DC pre-concert: stage setup
August 20, 2009

on film
I just got my film back from the same fireworks shoot as below.
August 19, 2009

August 18, 2009
As president of the Winnipeg Photo Community I
presided over the monthly meeting.
August 17, 2009
Rod Stewart in concert
*Due to contract stipulations these photos will only be available on the MTSC's
web site.
August 17, 2009

Band promos for Pop the Trunk
August 16, 2009

Foggy morning
August 14, 2009

Time-lapse video of this morning's storm
August 14, 2009
Near death experience update:
I have now spent most of the day doing interviews for both CBC Radio and CBC
Television (will air tonight during their 6pm broadcast) as well as sending my
image to all those news services who requested it. I guess almost dying for your
passion can be of interest to others!
None the less I'll be putting up a much larger gallery of the lighting from this
morning as soon as I can.
August 14, 2009

Lightning from CanWest Place
I'm just lucky to be making this BLOG entry:
This morning I shot the lightning storm that was absolutely incredible, from
the top of CanWest Place.
As soon as I got up there and saw how active the lightning was I was extremely
excited, only to be immediately put in my place by the closest lightning bolt
I've ever been to. This bolt was so close I could feel the electricity, the hair
on my arms stood up and I could hear the static in the air. I immediately fell
to the ground to protect myself but thought I was going to die. Obviously, thankfully
I didn't but the warning was clear: "I'm a lightning storm, don't mess with
when you're this high up."
The rest of the time I spent shooting while crouched on the highest point in
More about this later. Time for sleep now.
13, 2009

Stormy night with 23% more lighting! (*This is just a preliminary gallery,
will be putting up a much larger gallery later today or tomorrow)
August 12, 2009

Silversun Pickups in concert
Huge thanks to security for escorting me right into the middle of the crowd in
front of the stage and then being my personal security crew while I was up there!
August 12, 2009

Silversun Pickups in studio at Power97
August 12, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for Parks Canada
August 10, 2009
Camera tests: Large format
August 9, 2009
Camera tests: Large format
August 6, 2009

Corporate head shots for Darrell Thorvaldson
August 5, 2009
Event photography for the Government of Canada: Canadian Heritage - Round table
on copyright hosted by MP Shelly Glover
August 3, 2009
Over the last couple of months I've been trying to shoot more film. The only
reason this is hard is because of the added burden of multiple gear formats and
fitting it all in one bag (which is NEVER light).
None the less, I managed to take my medium format gear out to both Steep Rock
and St Leon recently and wanted to share a few of the photos from each:

Steep Rock, Manitoba -
Medium format film

St Leon, Manitoba
Medium format film
August 2, 2009

Blink 182 & Fall Out Boy
July 30, 2009
I'm currently working on restoring two large format monorail view cameras of
which I'll be posting some amazing photos soon!
July 29, 2009
Commercial photography for the FASD Centre
July 28, 2009

Commercial stock photography: Royal Canadian Mint, Winnipeg, Manitoba
July 26, 2009
I'm BACK! Thanks to everyone for the communiKAYS.
I received several e-mails from friends and family (even those in the know) wondering
why I haven't been updating my BLOG recently. So, I've updated it and now you
can see why: I was in Alberta shooting a wedding for over a week as well as travelling
around rural Alberta shooting landscapes and then returned home to two weddings
more e-mails
and messages than you can shake a large format bellows at!
Over the last two weeks I also bought some REALLY interesting new gear, shot
a lot of film and delved into some new types of photography, all of which you'll
see here soon.
It's great to be back!
July 26, 2009
Wedding photography: Cancelled and rescheduled due to the groom loosing his
July 25, 2009
Wedding photography: Sharon and Kelly
Thanks guys you where awesome fun!
July 24, 2009

Event photography: Sesame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb
July 21, 2009
Landscape photography in rural Alberta
July 21, 2009
Landscape photography in rural Alberta
July 20, 2009
Landscape photography around Canmore
July 19, 2009
Landscape photography around Banff
July 18, 2009
Wedding photography: Ashleigh and Tyler
July 15-23, 2009
Out of town: This week I shot another destination wedding in Calgary (Airdrie
actually) and then spent three days shooting around the mountains in Banff, Canmore
surrounding areas.
July 14, 2009
Taylor Swift photos now online on the MTSC's web site. (Due to stringent usage
forms from the artist's management I wasn't able to put these directly on my
to view the photos on the MTSC's web site
July 14, 2009
Jonas Brothers pictures now online on the MTSC's web site. (Due to stringent
usage forms from the artist's management I wasn't able to put these directly
on my
here to view
the photos on the MTSC's web site
July 13, 2009

Concert photography: No Doubt
July 12, 2009
Cruise night time-lapse:

Click to view the time-lapse video.
July 12, 2009
Huge commercial photo shoot for Johnson Waste Management.
For this project I actually got permits to block off one of the two East bound
lanes of the Provencher bridge. WOW! I actually "owned" one lane of
the PB for
two hours! Crazy
Big thanks to the drivers (Doug & Lorne) for their help!
July 11, 2009
Concert photography: Taylor Swift
July 10, 2009
Testing out a vehicle mount I created this timelapse:

(Video removed due to bandwidth limitations, please see the above time-lapse)
July 9, 2009

Concert photography: Green Day
July 9, 2009
Corporate portrait for Darrell T.
July 6, 2009

Canada Day fireworks 2009 on film
July 5, 2009
Concert photography: Jonas Brothers
*Due to a stringent concert release this is another gallery that will only be
available on the MTS Centre's web site.
July 5, 2009
Happy anniversary mon and dad!
July 3, 2009

Another in my series of "one shots" of the Canada Day fireworks at
Park (click to view much larger image)
July 2, 2009

Randy Bachman & Burton Cummings featuring Booker T.
July 1, 2009

Commercial photo shoot for Entreprises Riel - Esplanade Riel info trolley
June 30, 2009
Concert photography: Bachman Cummings & Booker T.
As the official photographer for the MTS Centre I'm normally given the same access
as the rest of the press photographers: "First three songs, no flash".
This is a standard across the Americas for concert photography. (Sometimes it's
less and much less often it's a bit more.)
However, tonight, at the request of their management company I was asked to shoot
the show for their promos and was given unprecedented access to the Bachman Cummings
After the standard first three songs when the rest of the press was kicked out
I was allowed to "do whatever I needed to to get good shots".
Backstage, side stage, green room and everywhere in between.
Some shoot stats:
-1299 photos
-43.29 gigs
I'll be editing the photos over the next few days as I have been shooting for
at least 28 days straight and have some catching up to do on both processing
June 30, 2009
Commercial event photography: CUSB press conference
June 29, 2009

Canadian Carnage: Megadeth, Slayer, Machine Head
June 29, 2009

Me on TV:
This morning I did two segments on Breakfast Television about how to better use
your camera.
29, 2009

Landscapes: Falcon Lake, Manitoba
June 28, 2009

Landscapes: High above Winnipeg
June 28, 2009

Delta Beach, Manitoba - Virtual reality tour
This is a VR file from Delta Beach, Manitoba that I took about a month back.
June 28, 2009
The following is another in my series of "one shots".
This was created by modifying a special film technique to digital.
You HAVE to see this photo larger to appreciate it.

Click for much larger version
June 27, 2009
Wedding: Tanya & Craig (Thanks for the great time guys!)
June 27, 2009

Concert photography: Rock on the Range including Billy Talent, Rise Against & Anvil
June 26, 2009
I've finally had a chance to add a new timelapse video into my Timelapse section:

A 2 hour timelapse of the Milky Way from Falcon Lake, Manitoba
The actual run time of the video is only 14 seconds, the file is 15mb so may
take some time to load.
June 25, 2009
Large commercial group portrait for Travel Manitoba of all their staff
June 23, 2009
Out of town commercial virtual reality tour shoot at Falcon Lake
June 22, 2009
I hosted the monthly meeting for my WPC group
June 22, 2009

Candace Rae at in studio at Power97
June 21, 2009
As regional manager for TPS Sports Photography I was in charge of organizing
13 photographers to shoot the Manitoba Marathon as well as being one of the shooters
As a runner myself I can say that shooting a marathon IS a marathon in itself.
Congratulations to all the runners!
June 20, 2009

Event photography:
Canadian Museum for Human rights: Amazing feet!
June 19, 2009

One shot: A model city: Winnipeg*
This is another in my series of "one shot" photos, just a quick excerpt
shoot. Look for more from this shoot in the future.
*Best viewed large by clicking the link
June 18, 2009

Commercial event and portrait photography: Canadian Museum for Human rights:
June 17, 2009
Photographie à bût commerciale: Photos d'évenement: Finnisants
du Collège
de Saint-Boniface
June 16, 2009
Commercial staff portraits for mf1 (Marketforce).
June 15, 2009

Coldplay & Snow
My photos for this event are only available at the link above from the MTSC's
web site.
June 15, 2009
Today I took on loan from NPS (Nikon Professional Services) Canada a Nikkor 24mm
PC lens for testing. VERY interesting lens with potential I didn't even realize
how far reaching.
June 14, 2009
As regional manager for TPS Sports Photography I ran a workshop for several photographers
on how to shoot for us for the Manitoba Marathon.
June 13, 2009
Day four of a four day event for the YMCA/YWCA: Portage 2009
June 12, 2009
Day three of a four day event for the YMCA/YWCA: Portage 2009
June 11, 2009
Day two of a four day event for the YMCA/YWCA: Portage 2009
June 10, 2009
Day one of a four day event for the YMCA/YWCA: Portage 2009
June 9, 2009
Day three of a three day event for the CPHA (Canadian Public Health Association)
same day delivery for overnight newsletter.
June 8, 2009
Day two of a three day event for the CPHA (Canadian Public Health Association)
same day delivery for overnight newsletter.
June 7, 2009
Day one of a three day event for the CPHA (Canadian Public Health Association)
same day delivery for overnight newsletter.
June 6, 2009

Fleetwood Mac
June 4, 2009
Commercial photography: Group portraits for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
June 3, 2009
Commercial photography: Advertising photos for Festival du Voyageur of their
re enactors at Fort Gibraltar
June 3, 2009
Sold stock photo to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
June 2, 2009

Event photography: Power97 Calder Cup Pre Game Show
June 2, 2009
Commercial photography: Group portraits for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
June 1, 2009
Live band photography: John Fogerty
June 1, 2009
Photographie à bût commerciale: Photos d'évenement: Finnisants
du Collège
de Saint-Boniface
May 31,

Delta Beach, Manitoba
May 28, 2009
Commercial photography: Product photography for MacDon Industries
May 27, 2009

Miss Hooters Canada
May 27, 2009
Commercial photography: Venue photos and virtual reality (VR) tours for Destination
May 26, 2009
Sports photography: Winnipeg Goldeyes Baseball
May 26, 2009
Commercial photography: Venue photos and virtual reality (VR) tours for Destination
May 25, 2009
Event photography: Miss Hooters Canada - Calendar signing
May 24, 2009

Hooters portraits and fun group shots
May 23, 2009

Starscapes: Delta Marsh/Beach, Manitoba
May 22, 2009
Live band photography: Il Divo*
Photos can be seen in the Saturday, May 23rd edition of the Winnipeg Free Press
or on the MTSC's web site this week.
May 22, 2009

Walk with Dinosaurs @ the MTS Centre, promo
May 21, 2009
Model photo shoot with Tara & Courtney
May 20, 2009

Rendez-Vous Canada, Calgary 2009
May 19, 2009
Commercial portraits for Hooters Winnipeg
*Photos up soon
Although my family ribs me about shooting for Hooters they have been a GREAT
customer for over 4 years now and I've shot for them exclusively in Winnipeg
that whole time and am proud that they put that much trust in me. Thanks girls
(and Jason ha!)
May 17, 2009

Bill Gaither & Friends
May 16, 2009

The Stills & Gentlemen Reg & The Pyramid Cabaret
May 16, 2009

Weekend wildlife
May 15, 2009

BC 2008
I finally had time to get to these which where shot on my 2008 trip to B.C.,
on the Sunshine Coast.
May 14, 2009

BC Film/Slides from 2007 revisited
These where shot on my 2007 trip to B.C., specifically Vancouver and Powell River
on the Sunshine Coast.
May 13, 2009
A Winnipeg Photographer in Calgary!
Today I was flown out to Calgary for the day to shoot a HUGE conference for Travel
Manitoba, "Rendez-Vous Canada" that will be hosted in Winnipeg next
Thanks to all the ambassadors from the different Manitoban companies from Destination
Winnipeg to Frontiers North Adventures and all the hundreds of others!
May 10, 2009
Today I taught the "LW3-2", a lighting workshop, to over 55 people.
This was the second in a series of very successful lighting workshops I'm teaching
throughout 2009.
May 8, 2009

Montgomery Gentry
May 6, 2009

Sports photography: Stars on Ice
May 6, 2009

Click to enlarge
Last night, thanks to a call from one of my rural photo op tipsters I went out
to shoot the first lighting of the season. For all of you who know me well you
know this is one of my passions to be out on the highway until early morning
when others are just dreaming of gumdrop houses and lollypop lanes.
Sadly I wasn't quick enough to catch the fast moving storm but after driving
several K's out of town I didn't want to waste the trip and as the moon was making
an interesting shot with the dynamic clouds I snapped a few of that before I
went home and got some fun shots.
Thanks Lori!
May 6, 2009
Sports photography: Stars on Ice
May 5, 2009
Band promotional photography for Pop the Trunk.
Thanks Mike!
May 4, 2009
As president of the WPC I hosted another monthly WPC meeting which included having
the pleasure of announcing the winners of two contests, one WPC contest that
judged on my own and
joint WPC/Henry's Photo contest that I helped judged.
May 3, 2009
As regional manager for TPS Sports Photography I organized four photographers
and also shot the WInnipeg Police Half Marathon.
May 2, 2009
Gala Manitobain de la chanson pour Le 100 Noms
May 2, 2009
Pregnancy/Maternity photos: Christy & Greg
May 1, 2009
I hosted a moderators meeting for the WPC.
April 30, 2009

Power97's Guys Garage: "Every toy in the box"
April 30, 2009

Leonard Cohen
30, 2009
Commercial advertising photo shoot for Yellowquil College
April 28, 2009
Photographie d'événement: "Français pour l'avenir" pour
la Société franco-manitobaine
April 27, 2009
Large corporate event photography: Travel Manitoba Tourism Awards
Congratulations to all the nominees and winners!
April 26, 2009

Circus garden Zoom
April 26, 2009
As regional manager for TPS Sports Photos I ran a shooting seminar for all the
I organized for next week's Winnipeg Police Half Marathon event.
April 25, 2009
Commercial photography: Day three of a three day photo shoot of the Urban Multipurpose
Aboriginal Youth Centre's (UMAYC)
National Youth Conference for
I would like to say thank you to all of the participants not only for their great
smiles but also for everything I learned while shooting the conference!
April 24, 2009
Commercial photography: Day two of a three day photo shoot of the Urban Multipurpose
Aboriginal Youth Centre's (UMAYC)
National Youth Conference for
April 23, 2009
Commercial photography: Day one of a three day photo shoot of the Urban Multipurpose
Aboriginal Youth Centre's (UMAYC)
National Youth Conference for
April 22, 2009

A one off sunset HDArt
April 22, 2009

Diana Krall
April 20, 2009
On a rare occasion I'm offered the opportunity to use my photography to help
an organization.
I'm very proud to say that the David Suzuki Foundation requested my photos and
I was very happy to donate them for a series of projects including print and
video that they are doing on climate change.
The coverage for this was far and wide, including:
-TV spots on CTV, CBC, Global and MTV
-Newspaper coverage included the Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun, Le Soleil, Le
Devoir and many more
I'm always happy and proud when someone requests my photos for such a worthwhile
April 19, 2009
I held a workshop for the WPC: "Post processing for photographers"
April 18, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for Nelson House Education Authority: Portraits and group
April 17, 2009
Commercial product photo shoot for Canadian Gold Beverages
April 16, 2009

Gordon Lightfoot
April 16, 2009
Commercial product photo shoot for Canadian Gold Beverages
April 16, 2009
Met with rep from Johnson Waste Management for a photo shoot in the summer
April 14, 2009
One of my photos from WPG360.com has been
bought as stock for the banner on: harleydavidsonwinnipeg.ca and
it looks great!
April 13, 2009

Sports photography: The Harlem Globetrotters
April 13, 2009
Commercial product photography for Barkman Concrete
April 11, 2009
Today I ran what I believe is the largest lighting workshop ever to take place
in Winnipeg: "The WPC LW3-1"was a lighting workshop I ran through my
Winnipeg Photo Community and had it sold out at just over 60 people.
It's always a great experience to be able to teach people, especially in a larger
capacity and this workshop went great! Thanks to all the attendees!
April 9, 2009

New Kids on the Block
April 5, 2009
Several astute people who visit my blog have noticed a strange hole of two weeks
when there was no news posted. This is amazing first because I had no idea that
more than just my mom visited my blog and second because of the reason, which
will soon be revealed!
April 5, 2009

Nicleback & Seether @ the MTSC
April 4, 2009

Power97's Cut for Cancer
4, 2009
Commercial event photography: Manitoba Opera: Bravo Gala
April 3, 2009
Sports photography: Fitness portraits of Christine, a local body builder and
April 1, 2009
Today I played the most elaborate prank on my poor unsuspecting photo club: WPGphoto.com,
more on the WPC web site.
March 27, 2009
Commercial portraits for Parks Canada
March 21, 2009
Photos promotionnelles pour Les Chiens de Soleil: Texas
March 21, 2009

Sports photography: Professional Bull Riders Canada
Cup @ the MTS Centre
March 21, 2009

Live band photography: Black Label Society @ The Burton Cummings Theatre for
March 20, 2009
Architectural and VR photography for Verge Marketing
March 18, 2009
Corporate group and head shots for Nelson House
March 18, 2009
Band promo shoot for Port Amoral
March 17, 2009

Oldtimers' Hockey Challenge at the MTS Centre
March 15, 2009
The large virtual tour that I shot of the Health Science Centre's home lottery
online. Take
a look at it by clicking here!
March 14, 2009

Sports photography: Freestyle Motocross at the MTS Centre
March 13, 2009

Live band photography: The Eagles at the MTS Centre
March 13, 2009

Sports photography: Ultimate Cage Wars at the Winnipeg Convention Centre
March 13, 2009

Power97: "Guy's Garage...every toy in the box" contest promos: Adesa
Public Auctions BMW
March 10, 2009
Event photography at Collège St. Boniface (CUSB)
March 9, 2009
Today I have organized and am hosting a photographic garage sale for my photo
club for anyone who is interested it runs from 6-9pm at the Pony Corral downtown.
March 8, 2009

The Manitoba Moose Yearling Foundation Gala featuring
March 7, 2009

Hooters portraits
March 6, 2009
As a teaser for the Health Science Centre's home lottery virtual reality tour
of their million dollar home
a VR file of the entrance that you can
see here.
March 5, 2009
Commercial virtual reality tour photography for the Health
Science Centre's home lottery
*This is my second year in a row working on this project.
March 5, 2009
I was invited to do a video interview for my alma matter as a person of interest
for their "Where are they now" video segment.
March 4, 2009
Event photography for the MTSC: The Manitoba Moose Yearling Foundation Gala featuring
March 3, 2009
Event photography at Collège St. Boniface (CUSB)
March 3, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for Hooters Winnipeg: Location portraits for their advertising
(Photos will be up later this week)
*I just want to say that I have several long term clients and I'm very proud
that Hooters is one of them! They where one of my first clients years ago and
very happy to have worked for them for over four years.
March 2, 2009
I hosted a Live Chat for my photo club: WPGphoto.com
March 1, 2009
Band promo photo shoot for AM Glory
February 26, 2009
I've added a new article to my Articles section: Comparison:
Nikon 200-400mm
February 23, 2009

Musician: Nicole Byblow
*Shot summer 2008
February 23, 2009
About two weeks back I was interviewed for an article about my gallery show that
February at the Wayne Arthur Gallery.
The article appeared in this weeks "La
Liberté" along with a VERY funny photo of me shooting at Oak Hammock
The show was also #2 on the Uniter's "Top five events of the week" in
their February
5th issue stating "Harper's work is both vivid and distinct".
February 23, 2009

I've just posted a new review article of the
Nikon GP-1 (GPS unit for DSLRs)
in my Articles section. (Which I will be updating
with several reviews, previews
and tests very soon)
February 22, 2009
Today I completed my last of a 10 day photo shoot as the Official photographer
for the Festival du Voyageur.
Thanks to everyone at Festival for their patience and smiles, especially the
Official Family of Festival 2008 and 2009, the Fortiers . I'll miss you guys
year! (Official families for
the Festival have a two year mandate)
February 19, 2009
News announcement:
It's official: I am now the official photographer for the MTS
Last week I received my access pass and will soon be receiving my staff ID.
Being the MTS Centre's official photographer has been a dream of mine for quite
some time and I am extremely excited to be a part of the team! It's great to
be a part of one of the best and busiest venues in the world along with some
of the best people in the business.
Special thanks to Alayne, Pam, Kim, Wendy, Henry, Dom and all the other fine
folks at the MTSC!
I already have several photo archives on the MTS
Centre's web site and you can continue to look for more exciting shoots of
mine from all of their upcoming
February 19, 2009

Power97: Wheeler & Hal's Beach Bash - Miranda & Amanda - Bikinis on a
February 18, 2009

Disney on Ice
February 17, 2009

The Paisley Party
Brad Paisley - Dierks Bentley - Crystal Shawanda
Funny story: I was originally slated to shoot this, as usual, for the MTS Centre.
But, then, during the day, I had two calls to shoot it for the Winnipeg Free
Press as well as Country Music TV (CMT).
February 13-22, 2009
From February 13-22, for the second year in a row, I'm the official photographer
for Festival du Voyageur!
February 11, 2009
I assisted Tony Nardella on another commercial photo shoot.
February 10, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance Canada for the MTS Centre
can be seen here on the MTS Centre's web site
February 10, 2009
I assisted Tony Nardella on a commercial photo shoot (That's right, I'll assist
for Tony
anytime, great guy and great photographer friend!)
February 8, 2009
Commercial photo-shoot for the Jewish Foundation
of Manitoba
February 7, 2009

MONSTER JAM at the MTS Centre!
February 5, 2009

Power97: Wheeler & Hal's Beach Bailout: Kyle's butt tattoo
February 5, 2009

Power97: Sugar Sammy in studio
February 4, 2009
Wicked-fun band promo shoot for AM Glory. (Formally known as Raise the Sail)
February 4, 2009

Power97: Wheeler & Hal's
Beach Bailout: Kyle's speedo
February 3, 2009
Corporate portraits for Tapper Cuddy law firm
February 1, 2009
I have a personal gallery show at the Wayne Arthur Gallery with an artist's reception
(I'll likely be there) on February 1st. The show is then open until February
25th, 2009.
Click the invitation below to see a larger version.

January 31, 2009

Event/concert photography: Jeff Dunham at the MTS Centre
January 28, 2009
Commercial photography for The Portsmouth: Incoming and outgoing council group
January 27, 2009

Cuba wedding: Connie & Graeme (small teaser gallery)
Thanks to everyone for all the memories, great smiles and the best photograhpic
experiences of my life!
25, 2009

Sports photography: BDO Classic Canadian Open curling at the MTS Centre
January 24, 2009

Sports photography: BDO Classic Canadian Open curling at the MTS Centre
January 24, 2009
I'm back from the Cuba wedding and from hands down the ultimate experience of
my life. Thanks so much to all those friends and family of Connie and Graeme
who I hung out with all week. The photos and the experiences where the best of
my life.
I'm just getting back into the swing of things here, for instance, I thought
it would be summer when I got back, ha! However I'm just getting to all your
e-mails and phone calls so be patient, I'll get you yours asap!
January 16-23, 2009
For those of you who remember Connie & Graeme's engagement
photos you may also know that I was asked to shoot their wedding in Cuba from
the 16th to the 23rd of January.
So, that's where I'll be, talk to you when I get back!
January 14, 2009
Corporate photo shoot for Collège St. Boniface: Head shots
January 12, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
January 11, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
January 10, 2009
Winnipeg Photo Club executives/moderator meeting
January 9, 2009

WWE RAW Live in Winnipeg
January 9, 2009
Some new HDRs, click any thumbnail for a larger image.
January 8, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
January 7, 2009
Commercial photo shoot for the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
January 6, 2009
Today I am very fortunate to be the first NPS (Nikon Professional Services Canada)
member to receive the D3X on loan from NPS. I will be testing it over the next
few days and post a test article in my "Articles" section
later this month.
January 3, 2009

Click for teaser photo
My first wedding of 2009: Jerral and Neil
January 2, 2009

Leslie - Harp Oasis
Photo shoot for the Winnipeg Free Press (Wonderful Wedding Show insert)
January 2, 2009

Larry - Krystal Dreams
Photo shoot for the Winnipeg Free Press (Wonderful Wedding Show insert)
January 1, 2009
Happy new year everyone!
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